Four Health benefits of Kombucha Beverage

Kombucha is a fermented beverage that has been around for many centuries. It has a lot of health benefits and is rich in beneficial probiotics. It contains antioxidants, which helps in eliminating harmful bacteria and also aid in fighting several diseases.

Kefir is a slightly fizzy probiotic drink, similar to yoghurt, made from a mixture of sugar water and kefir grains. Despite what the name suggests, kefir grains are in reality not grains at all; the name refers to the physical appearance of what is actually a symbiosis between bacteria and yeast.

It is believed that water kefir has a number of health benefits. Live kefir contains a whole range of useful bacteria and yeast which help to promote a healthy gut. It is believed that this large amount and range of bacteria can help to boost your immune function. Research suggests that drinking kefir daily can reduce your risk of intestinal infections.

Among the many benefits of Kombucha Tea which can be enjoyed from a Kombucha Starter Kit, and are based on scientific evidence include:

  1. Rich in Probiotics. The drink is made from a mixture of specific bacteria, yeast and sugar and green tea, then leaving them to ferment for one week or more. During the fermentation process, bacteria and the yeast forms a film resembling a mushroom on the surface of the liquid. This is the reason why kombucha is called mushroom tea. This process also produces acetic acid, which is mostly found in vinegar, some other acidic substances, and other gases that end up making it carbonated. The probiotics nourishes your food pipe with healthy bacteria that improves many aspects of health such as digestion, inflammation and to a great extent, weight loss.
  2. Have the same benefits as Green Tea. Green tea is considered among the healthiest beverages in the world. This is largely because it contains a lot of compounds such as polyphenols, which is powerful antioxidant in the body. Kombucha that is made of green tea contains similar compounds and most likely boasts the same benefits. These health benefits include reducing belly fats, improving fats levels, help regulate blood sugar level and many more.
  3. It contains Antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals and harmful molecules that have potential to damage your cells. Many experts hold the believed that antioxidants from foods and beverages are important for your health than the ones found in supplements. When made from green tea, it appears to have antioxidants effect in your lever.
  4. It kills Bacteria. Among the main substances produced during the fermentation process is acetic acid. This acid is able to fight and kill many potentially harmful bacteria. When made from black or green tea, it contains more antibacterial properties, particularly against infection causing bacteria and candida years. These antimicrobial effects inhibit the growth of unhealthy bacteria and yeasts, but they do not suppress the beneficial, probiotic and yeasts involved in the fermentation process.

There are many potential health advantages of Kombucha. When properly made, it is a probiotic rich drink that is safe to enjoy as part of a healthy diet.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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