Four Stapes to Prevent Sun Damage

Fort Worth is a city in Texas and one of the fastest-growing in the country. You should see a specialist if you get sun damage in Fort Worth.

The sun is great for your skin in moderation but in excess, it can be extremely damaging. It can even lead to some forms of skin cancer. There are also lotions and skin care products with sunscreen that you can use every day.

You can only feel the harsh effects of the sun sometimes after basking in the sun. Therefore, it is difficult to know if the skin damage is caused directly by the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

You can do a lot to ensure that you prevent sun damage to your skin including:

1. Apply Sunscreen

Prevention is always better than finding a cure and the frontline fight for your skin against skin damage is sunscreen. You should ensure that you apply sunscreen even when it is cloudy with a little sun outside.

Sunscreen includes elements that protect you against sunshine and are known as the sun protection factor (SPF). When buying sunscreen, you should always check the sunscreen factor and choose one with an SPF of at least 30.

Sunscreen will shield your skin in all areas exposed to the sun and prevent you from getting sunburns. There are also lotions and skin care products with sunscreen that you can use every day.

2. Wear Protective Clothing

The clothes most people wear contribute to the skin damage caused by the sun, especially women. You should wear clothes that cover your entire body when you are going out in the sun as opposed to skimpy clothes that are fashionable. When buying sunscreen, you should always check the sunscreen factor and choose one with an SPF of at least 30.

Long shirts and pants are ideal clothing for hot summer days when the sun shines all day. However, you will have to consider the comfort of the clothes and choose clothes with significant ventilation as well.

Darker clothes prevent more sun damage than brighter clothes but the latter reflects more light and is cooler.

Wear protective clothing accessories like sunglasses and wide brimmed hats as well for maximum protection. you will have to consider the comfort of the clothes and choose clothes with significant ventilation as well.

3. Avoid Reflective Surfaces

Direct sunlight is the main culprit in causing sun damage but some shiny surfaces may cause you harm too. The light reflected off these shiny surfaces can be focused on your skin with intensity and cause a significant amount of damage.

Such reflective surfaces include mirrors or metallic furniture which can reflect a tremendous amount of the sun’s light and heat. If you have any of these surfaces at home or in your workplace, you should avoid them completely.

4. Stay Out of The Sun

The simplest and most effective way to avoid sun damage is to stay away from direct sunlight. You should especially avoid sunlight when the sun is at its zenith.

The sun shines brightest between 11 am and 3 pm and causes the most damage to the skin during these hours. It is especially true during summer as the duration and intensity of sunlight changes with the seasons.

If you absolutely have to leave the house or the office during the peak hours of the day, wear sunscreen and protective gear. The light reflected off these shiny surfaces can be focused on your skin with intensity and cause a significant amount of damage. If you have any of these surfaces at home or in your workplace, you should avoid them completely.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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