Furniture in a cafe determines customer experience and satisfaction

The appeal of a cafe depends a lot on its menu, but mostly on the interior design. The sitting and the layout of the floor will determine if your establishment will be cozy or formal. The curb appeal will contribute significantly to the place’s ambiance. Aesthetics play an important role in determining the future of a restaurant or cafe business, but that it not all. The functionality of the set up should meet the need for aesthetics at every step to create a prosperous business. You need to think about durability, maximum seating capacity and the regulations before you pick furnishings for your cafe.

Here are the top factors you should consider before opening your cafe to the public or before starting the renovation –

1. Why do you need to pick the best quality of furniture for your cafe?

Buying non-commercial furniture for a customer-oriented business can be a costly decision. It can be a futile investment for a restaurant or a bar since household furniture pieces usually do not have the tolerance for regular use and they do not have as much durability as commercial furniture. Modern retail cafe furniture has plenty of design diversity. They are cost-effective and have an appetite for an extended period of rough use. Commercial restaurant solutions can seem pointless, especially when home furnishing stores are just a stone’s throw away. However, their price and sturdy design reflect their capacity for everyday wear and tear. Always remember to choose waterproof and moisture-proof designs that you can wash, wipe and clean for maintaining a basic level of hygiene in the cafe. If you are selecting furniture for outdoor use, go with a weatherproof material that has inherent waterproof quality and a UV-proof coating that will prevent discoloration.

2. How will the design and shape influence the inner environment?

Apart from utility and durability, you must also think about models that complement the interior of the establishment. Chairs and tables on the outside should reflect the brand colors. At the same time, you need to think about the shape of the tables for both indoors and outdoors. Did you know that round tables can encourage conversation among your customers? However, not all indoor floor plans are perfect for round tables. Square tables are ideal for couples, and rectangular once encourage more people to participate in the discussion. They are space-efficient and blend perfectly with the flow of the space. For a cafeteria, you need to consider the tray space to understand the appropriate table size and shape. Unless you are renovating, you might have some difficulty finding the correct number of trays that a table can accommodate. VisitCafe Solutions Sydney to find out all you need to learn before making your big purchase. Several venues opt for two-people tables since they are ideal for encouraging a cozy atmosphere for couples and it prevents the awkward two-seat emptiness that rectangular table’s experience.

3. Can the style of furniture you pick impact the customer experience?

Cafes and restaurants usually have two types of table-chair settings. The traditional diners typically have fixed seating or anchored seating. This seating arrangement is also predominant among the fast food outlets across the country. The floating tables have more mobility, and restaurants usually pick these, when there is a need for flexibility in space and accommodation. Most cafes opt for floating tables since they can place these tables away from the walls. The servers can have better access to each customer. Outdoor flexible seating ensures better security when the establishment is closed or empty. After each day, owners usually bring the outdoor cafe furniture in before locking up.

High stools and bar-like seating arrangements are garnering more popularity with modern cafes. These neo-modern cafe furniture designs are perfect for the solo coffee-lover. Sitting at the bar helps people feel less awkward when they are enjoying lunch by themselves or preparing for a grueling day ahead. The perfect blend of high stools, small square tables, and anchored tables attract a wide range of customers. Finding the perfect balance can be tough. Consulting expert cafe solutions can help you realize the real potential of your cafe area and utilize it with the help of the right furniture.

4. How will the final layout determine the success of an establishment?

The choice of furniture and furnishings will determine the ultimate plan of the room. Most cafes go with a lot of open space to encourage the free flow of energy all around. Modern cafes usually have digital menu boards or blackboard menus that must be visible from each corner. Additionally, the ordering area needs to be large enough, if the primary target customers prefer to-go options. Moreover, opting for a lot of space opens up windows for the creative arrangement of the decor elements. You can play around with the lighting fixtures. Frame popular art or book covers near each table or invests in bookshelves and wall art. Nothing beats a great view and having flexibility in seating allows the owner to place tables and chairs along the window. Imagine sipping your cup of coffee, while it rains outside, but you are warm and fuzzy, curled up on a plush beanbag or a window-seat inside the cafe.

Furniture choices and utilization of space goes towards determining the overall experience of an establishment. Experimentation is the key towards making the experience perfect for your loyal customers. Restaurants and cafes become successful by offering a great menu and at the same time, providing a unique experience that customers cannot find anywhere else. So go ahead, talk to an expert planner and experiment with the seating. One position might give you a direct view of the street outside, while another might offer the customer a look of the kitchen. Nonetheless, note down each unique selling point (USP) of your establishment that can outdo your competition next door. Run the floor plan through your servers and set the time it takes for them to reach each table from the bar. If you are gunning for an exclusive barista experience, you might want to consider the distance between the bar and each table. The gap must be comfortable enough for self-service, yet far enough to not interfere with the queue at the ordering station.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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