Garden Tools You Must Have When Starting an Organic Garden

Organic gardening entails the use of natural materials to produce fresh products. Although chemicals may be used, it is infrequent and used on special occasions. Organic gardens are primarily situated within the home for easy accessibility and management.

Do not let lack of tools be the reason why you keep buying fresh produce from the grocery store. After all, these tools are cheap and easy to maintain.

Keep reading for more insights on garden tools you must have when starting an organic garden.



While gloves may not be that necessary, not everybody dares to touch the soil with bare hands. Students of microbiology will tell you that the land is rich in microorganisms that can potentially harm your body.

Using cheap gloves will eventually turn out to be expensive in that you will keep replacing them after a short time. Go for quality gloves, especially those recommended for the forestry department since they are hard enough yet allow in some air.

There is no better way of avoiding bruises and cuts other than wearing gloves.

Rich Garden Soil:

Rich Garden Soil

Organic gardening begins with the use of appropriate soils that usually takes years to build. In case you did not plan for the garden early enough, you may as well purchase fertile soils from reliable dealers.

Quality soils have the right balance of nutrients, significant amounts of organic matter and the structure to give room for water retention. A smart gardener will begin by investing in good soils.

The wellbeing of the plants begins right with the soil. Contaminated soils may harbor pests that increase the need for chemicals.

Digging Fork:

Digging Fork

It is an essential tool that should be appreciated by all growers. Forking is a labor-intensive task that is usually made easy by this tool.

Garden forks come in a variety of designs, and each has its good side. Forks with slight curves are useful for scooping. Those with straight tines will be useful when it’s time to dig.

Ditch forks with traditional D handle and go for those with a radial handle, for they are comfortable to use.

Garden Hose:

Garden Hose

Installing an irrigation system doesn’t mean your garden has had enough water. You will, at some point, have to water the plants by hand. Young seedlings will need more water in a day, and that doesn’t mean you unleash the whole irrigation system every hour.

Water is the core of the garden’s life; thus, the need for a garden hose that can reach far and wide. The hoses come in different diameters and lengths, meaning you have to be sure of these two parameters before buying one.

Garden hoses should be light to avoid destroying the crops and to be easy for you to carry. You can attach Gilmour garden hose connectors at the end of your hose so that you can easily switch between adjustable nozzles that allow you to control pressure and a sprinkler.


The best way to be a good gardener is keeping records. A journal helps you to record important information about the garden for future use.

It is also a useful tool that helps in planning. Entries of dates and events are essential components of the journal. Adequate planning through the journal will help you space harvests to curb food spoilage at any given time of the year.



A rake is an essential tool as it will be used to whisk away unnecessary debris that finds its way to the surface of your garden. Rakes have diverse styles and sizes but for a start, go for the standard leaf rake.

If possible, look for an adjustable one since you can use it to perform other tasks. A quality rake will help you make proper preparations before planting e.g., spreading manure.

Watering Can:

Watering Can

Water from whatever source you use may be so little that there will be no enough pressure while using garden hoses. It is at this very point that watering cans come to your rescue.

Similar to other tools, they have a variety of sizes and styles. Metal cans are heavy and are prone to rust while plastic cans are light but not as durable.

The handle of the can should be stable and easy to deal with when the can is full. Always be vigilant while buying this tool and shop for quality regardless of the price.

Weed Killers:

Weed Killers

Although organic gardens are meant for natural products, it reaches a point where you have to ditch this norm. At some point, the soil may be contaminated with notorious weeds without your knowledge.

Sometimes, these weeds are hard to eliminate the natural way. Thus, the need for weed killers enters the realm of possibilities. These are tried and tested chemical substances that destroy specific or general weeds without harming the necessary produce.

However, the chemicals should be applied in small doses to avoid the accumulation of residue in the soil. Only use the recommended amounts for your garden. At the same time, other weed removal approaches have to come in place before the resolution to use chemicals is made.



Have you been to a garage and met a mechanic handling your car without the proper attire? The answer to this is obvious, and it should apply to you as well. Very often, you go to the garden just to check on a few things and, without knowing, you find yourself busy.

At no point should you make your way to the garden without this garment? It is an essential part of the gardening discipline.



After acquiring all other essential tools, there is no way that you will ignore a wheelbarrow. This tool facilitates most of the activities that occur in the garden.

Many times, you will be required to move materials like compost and soil around. No tool in the garden can be as effective as this in the above activities. Go for wheelbarrows with large inflatable wheels, as they are easy to push.

It is everyone’s dream and wishes to obtain vegetables directly from their garden. Owning a garden within your home and maintaining it are two different things. Ensure that you have access to all the necessary tools for productive gardening, beginning with some thorough research.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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