Get rid of the stubborn acne with these effective remedies

Acne is one of the biggest and common problems people from all over the world face, especially the younger generation. Pus-filled pimples, bumps, blackheads and whiteheads are the symptoms of the skin condition of getting acne. Acne are the stubborn marks in the face which is really frustrating to get rid of. It leads people to try several things to remove it and since the skin of our face is very sensitive, so many products cause side effects and further damages the skin.

It is very important to start treating acne as early as possible with effective remedies as it can cause some permanent damage to the skin. It may cause more breakouts and depression in the skin. Acne can last up to several years if not treated. Read on this blog to know further about acne and how to get rid of them.


What causes acne?

There are several factors which lead to the dark spots on the skin. Acnes are often hormonal among teenagers and young adults due to the hormonal changes during puberty. For women, irregular menstrual cycles and now the very common PCOS leads to severe acne and blemishes.

Apart from that here as well for the non hormonal acne works several factors which leads to acne such as excessive stress, excessive sebum secretion, use of beauty products that don’t suit your skin, not having proper digestion,

unhealthy diet and eating a lot of oily junk food. As stated by the expert skin doctor of Skinhairandyou, “apart from the outside treatment and remedies, one needs to bring a healthy change to their lifestyle and treat the root cause of acne.” Having prolonged dark spots and breakouts causes emotional distress, low self-esteem which can lead to people undergoing depression. Be conscious of your skin and start bringing a positive change.

Let’s know ways to treat acne naturally

Let’s switch to the natural way of treating acne which is very effective while having no side effect. Our nature has solutions to every problem and for acne remedies there are available many natural herbal extracts, plants and so much more. Try these inexpensive natural home remedies for acne reduction.

Use of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera for long people has been used for it has many medicinal benefits. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which helps in reducing acne. Aloe Vera consists of a lot of water and the thick clear gel inside is widely used to calm and soothe the skin.

It is a natural moisturizer. The anti-bacterial properties kill the harmful bacteria which thrives on the skin and clogs the pores. Aloe Vera is also used for spot treatment. Clean your face nicely with facewash and then massage the gel on your skin very gently and leave it overnight.

Use of raw Aloe gel is the most effective, else you can also use cream consisting of Aloe Vera content. The acne though won’t vanish overnight. One needs to continuously apply it for at least a few weeks to start seeing a change.

Tea tree oil

In recent days we are hearing a lot about tea tree oil. Do you know about it? Or have you wondered why it gained so much popularity in the skincare product? Tea tree oil is anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory and is very effective in treating acne, blemishes as well as blisters.

Tea tree oil is native to Australia and the essential oil is produced by distilling the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia tree. Its antiseptic properties have a direct effect on acne scars. Tea tree oil contains terpene which kills the bacteria and prevents further acne breakouts. But the essential oil shouldn’t be applied in high concentration but needs to be diluted first else can cause skin irritation. Dilute the essential oil in Aloe Vera or carrier oil and then apply on the face and leave it overnight.


Honey is sweet to us but not sweet to acne causing bacteria. The sweetness of it resists the bacteria from growing further. For hundreds of years honey is used by humans as a food and medicine. Honey is one of the best natural ways to treat acne scars.

Honey has antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties and which helps in killing the bacteria and removing impurities from the pores. Hydrogen peroxide in honey acts as a disinfectant for the skin. You can directly apply honey on a nicely washed face or honey can be added with other ingredients to make a paste and then apply it on your face.

Honey and cinnamon mixed paste double up the action of honey and is excellent for treating acne.

Coconut oil

We all have it in our house isn’t it? It’s a staple in our household yet nobody might have told you how coconut oil works so well in treating acne scars. Coconut oil contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which helps in killing the bacteria which are causing acne.

The lauric acid in coconut oil is what kills the bacteria. Coconut oil can act as a good moisturizer making the skin look radiant, feel soft and supple. Don’t apply too much of it, a little amount of it is enough to do the work. But the coconut oil has to be pure and not mixed with other ingredients. Try using organic virgin coconut oil and put it on the acne scars.

Massage the coconut oil gently and thoroughly on your skin. Leave it for a few hours for the oily and combination skin people or if you have dry skin, you can leave it overnight and then rinse with facial cleanser in the morning.

Try out these remedies alongside bringing a healthy change to your lifestyle. Cut down excess oily food, drink plenty of water, have a proper sleep schedule and use less makeup products at least until the acne doesn’t get treated. For further assistance, the experienced skin doctors of Skinhairand you are always available to help you out with any skin and hair related issues.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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