Getting Care in Your Own Home: What to do when a Daily Visit Isn’t Enough

When it’s becoming more difficult to manage your own daily care with only minimal assistance the decision has to be made on how to arrange more help. For many older people the choice, especially among those who value their independence, is often care at home. The question is – how do you go about getting extra help?

A Better Choice for Most

Studies have increasingly shown that older people do much better when they can remain in their own home whilst receiving care and that around 97% of people when asked, expressed a preference not to go into residential care. Getting expert and sympathetic one-to-one care brings significant benefits to health, happiness and wellbeing. It can be especially beneficial to those who have mobility issues and who need more help than a cursory daily visit from a more than likely rushed carer.

Flexible Choices

Home care services are usually very flexible, providing anything from a few hours a day up to 24/7 care depending on your personal requirements. It can be either temporary, for instance it could be just to help you through a period of illness and convalescence, or permanent.

How Can Homecare Help?

Whatever you need assistance with, from getting out of bed in the morning to needing meals cooked or shopping done, cleaning, personal care, nursing care, accompaniment on outings and even help with pet care. The choice is yours and all centred around your particular needs. Many people prefer live in care as it allows them the independence to do the things they cannot manage alone, while allowing them to continue doing what they can.

How to Get Help at Home

Your local council could possibly help in certain circumstances, but these are extremely limited and it’s not guaranteed you’d be able to access help through the council. The best option is to arrange your own home care and a friend or family member could possibly help you in choosing a provider. The first criteria should be to look for a reputable provider who is a member of the UK Homecare Association. These are specialist trusted home care providers and are situated all around the UK so you are certain to find a suitable provider in your local area. Start by looking for an umbrella company which will have extensive lists of trusted service providers.

Finding a Carer You Can Trust

Finding a good care provider can be daunting for some people so make sure you have input from trusted family members or friends who can offer an independent opinion and who will assist you through any interviews or phone calls between you and your prospective care providers.

Check all prospective carers for the appropriate qualifications and that they have previously cared for someone with similar needs to you. Ideally, they should have up-to-date NVQ certificates and professional support from their trainers as well. Be honest about what you want from a carer and what caring for you entails for them. By establishing a level of trust and understanding from the start, you’re sure to get the right carer for you.


Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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