Getting Your Home’s Slate Roof Ready For Winter

When you have a slate roof on your home, you will want to give it some tender loving care each year before winter, and ensure that it is ready for whatever the weather can throw at it. A slate roof does require more maintenance than other roofing materials, but if you get yourself into the routine, it can be done quickly and easily. Below are some tips for you to help you get your roof ready for winter and ensure that everything is in full working order before the bad weather and snow arrives.

Inspect Your Roof For Winter

Before the cold weather sets in, you will want to inspect your roof to make sure that there are no tiles that are missing or damaged. You will need one set of ladders to climb to the roof, and another set to go on top of the roof and allow you to get to the ridgeline without walking on the tiles, which will break them. Make sure that none of the tiles has slipped or is broken, and if you do find any damage, you will want to get it fixed as quickly as you can to prevent any leaks from developing. You will also want to go into your loft and look for any signs that water has gotten through the roof, which can cause extensive damage if left unrepaired.

Some Protection For Snowy Conditions

If you live in an area of the country that sees plenty of snow each year, you may wish to consider adding some snow guards to your roof. You can buy snow guards online from Gold Bros Ltd, and these are incredibly discreet and will not affect the aesthetic look of your home. When it snows, and it builds up on your roof, there will come a time when the snow gets too heavy or starts to melt and falls off the roof, which can be hazardous. Having a snow guard on your roof can help to stop the snow from falling off and potentially landing on someone’s head or breaking property below.

Clear Any Debris

When you have a slate roof, you must remove any debris from your gutters or roof before winter comes. When there is debris on the top of it, it can make ice form on the roof which can potentially crack a slate roofing tile, so you must remove anything that you find when inspecting it. When you are up the ladders on your roof, bring along your hose as well and use this to remove any build-up and debris that you find on the surface.

Get A Professional Roof Inspection Every Five Years

As well as checking over the integrity of your roof before winter, you will also want to have it inspected by a professional every five years or so. They will be able to spot any problems which can accumulate and cause extensive damage over time, nipping them in the bud early.

Speak to your local roofing contractor and ask them to inspect your roof and get it ready for winter, and if you need help finding your local roofing contractor, there is plenty of advice if you can find it online.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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