Getting Your House Ready For your New Baby

When preparing for your new baby there are so many things to consider, not least of which is how to get your home ready for your new bundle of joy. You want to make sure everything is perfect, safe, and cozy for your sweet new baby.


Keep in mind that generations before you have figured it all out with much less at their disposal. All that all your baby really needs is food, shelter, and someone to love them.


The Nursery

Many parents are adamant about getting the nursery prepared before baby’s arrival. This often includes a crib, rocking chair, changing table, dressers, night stands, etc. Although it is very nice to have a cozy room ready for your little one, it is important to remember that in most cases, babies will sleep in their parent’s room for up to one year.


It is currently recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, that infants share a room (but not a bed) with parents for six months to one year to protect against SIDS. With that in mind, it is likely that your baby may not even be sleeping in their beautiful new nursery for at least a few months. While it is psychologically rewarding to have the nursery completely ready to go, it may be more important to ensure that you have your bedroom ready. Do you have blackout curtains? A soft light? And most importantly, a bassinet?


Don’t worry too much if you run out of time or energy to get every room of the house just right. You will have time to keep making changes as your baby grows. Just making sure you have a space ready for your newborn is all you have to worry about before baby comes. Also, don’t be afraid to reconsider what some people call “essentials”, it is up to you alone what is essential for you and your baby and what can be excluded.



Although your baby will not be able to get around on their own for a few months, you may want to be ahead of the game by child-proofing pre-baby. Here are a few child-proofing essentials to consider.


Cabinets that house chemicals are by far the most important area to child-proof. Poising from cleaners that many people keep under the sink, can happen in an instant and can lead to injury or death. If you only start with one child-proofed space, make it this one.


Another important thing to consider is anything that your baby could pull off of shelves or walls. You want to ensure everything is anchored to the wall- you would be surprised just how much weight your little one can leverage! Also, take not to cover any outlets and buy baby gates if you have stairs.


Be Prepared and Flexible

The number one way to get your house ready for your newborn is to simply be willing to go with the flow. Babies are often unpredictable and it is impossible to say what the temperament, personality, or exact needs of your baby will be. Be prepared for a quick trip out with a small backpack of baby essentials ready to go. Or, just as likely, be prepared for that trip to be moved, pushed back, or canceled due to sleep, hunger, or simple fussiness.


The best way to prepare your home for a new baby is to prepare your hearts and to be ready and willing to love and take care of your baby just as lovingly whether it is 3 am and they won’t stop screaming, or you’re snuggling on the couch. Remembering that they are totally helpless without you and that the hard times will pass will help make your home baby ready.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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