Give your PG Room A Makeover Within A Budget

For many of us decorating our rooms is not just about beautifying it, but a way of reflecting our personalities. Those who live in a rented apartment, find it very difficult to stay in a room that is dreary, unkempt and just plain dull – missing the personal touch they had at home. Now you don’t need to compromise as we bring you some nifty ideas to give your room a quick makeover!

Here are some easy yet budget-friendly room makeover tips to get the best paying guest look:

Choose a Good Managed Accommodation

While the above-mentioned tips are budget-friendly, sometimes just moving into a well-designed place that is beautifully maintained is just so much easier. So, when you go hunting for the best PGs in Indore, don’t forget to check out the new managed accommodation spaces that the city boasts of. Run by professional operators like Stanza Living, they are not only affordable but have a great ambiance, a host of amenities, and an overall positive vibe. The vibrant colors, modern interiors, and smart furniture give a luxurious yet happy feel. Additionally, you get in-built gymnasiums for the fitness enthusiast inside you, common entertainment room with TV and pool tables, and delicious hot meals!

Play with Pictures

Photographs can work as an instant fix for any room. A good photo spread can trigger some happy memories, and the best part, its super easy to be creative with them! You may try DIY photo frames to contrast with the walls, make geometric patterns with woolen threads on a pinboard and stick your favorite photographs over it, paperclip them to some fairy lights and hang them on the wall. We promise these photographs will definitely make the place feel like home.

Bedsheets to the Rescue

We all can agree that living in the same room for a long time becomes very boring. What if you could make your room look completely different every few months? Well here is a simple trick to get rid of the unexciting, monotonous paint of your PG room. Take out a bedsheet (preferably with some attractive pattern or bright-colours) and secure it to a wall with some nails. Since these bedsheets are easily removable, you can change the look of your room every 3-4 months!

DIY Bed Canopy

If you are looking for cozy dreams, then this one is for you. For this easy DIY tip, you need a light-colored net cloth and a suspended hoop. Simply use the hoop to suspend the cloth and create a canopy over your bed. You may further add fairy lights to illuminate it, throw in some colorful cushions, and curl up with a book in your comfy space.

Go Green

Now, this is a simple but great idea that will not require much material or effort to set up. If you are a plant lover and miss gardening back at home, you can use your old coffee mugs to grow indoor plants. Get some indoor plants from a nearby nursery, plant them in your old coffee mugs and place them by a windowsill or on your study table to create a calming environment. Do not forget to water them regularly.

Check out the nearest property at and plan your visit at the earliest.

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Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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