Going Out in Style: Simple Men’s Fashion Ideas

Guys, it’s time to put an end to the everyday trial and error styling hacks and embrace a more definitive approach when it comes to your style. It’s really not about your intellect or talent, but making the right choices when it comes to picking your clothes, grooming, and how well you are willing to adapt to a more sophisticated look. One thing to note is that the perfect style can transform any schmo into a well-refined individual, and that’s the aim of this article.

As hard it is being a man, it’s even more difficult choosing the right clothes that can fit into your style. And if as a man you haven’t been through such difficulties, then lucky for you! For the less fortunate guys out there, you know how the society can be obsessed with fashion statements and it’s not that you need to conform to a particular style, but it’s vitally important to find a style that you are comfortable with. The distinguishing elements of masculinity should be accompanied by deep grooming habits and a well-constructed demeanor that adds character to your appearance. This is the essence of fashion. With that in mind, below are simple men’s ideas to help them go out in style.

1. Learn the Skill of Dressing

There is a good reason why fashion stylists exist; to impart dressing skills to individuals who have a problem in choosing their personal styles. Like any other skill out there, dressing is a skill that can be learned and perfected with time. To remain practical and stylish is an art that doesn’t take time to master. You don’t have to start with a complicated or sophisticated look. Ideally, start simple and learn your way up. Adam White, creator of JasperHollandCo.com, believes that an easy, comfortable look for your weekly date night with your spouse starts with the perfect t-shirt. No one could have ever thought that a t-shirt could be worn on an evening date, but it all depends on the type of t-shirt worn and what it’s worn with. Dark denim pants, a plain t-shirt, and a fitted blazer can be great worn with dark brown loafers accessorized with a thin scarf. By all means, avoid printed tees with colored graphics.

2. Choosing the Perfect Colors

When it comes to picking your outfits, it’s important to pick colors that go well with your skin tone. If you are in doubt, opt for neutral colors instead of deep bright colors. The best thing about neutral colors is that they can easily be matched with other colors. There are powerful colors that don’t work well with men. These include colors such as pink, orange, and neon to mention but a few. These are colors that would look fabulous to a woman because they have a lot of accessories and make-up to pair them with. But to a guy who only knows deodorants and belts for accessories, avoid deep bright colors on your outfits. A good combination of neutral colors includes khaki, black, olive, brown, white, gray, and the list goes on.

3. Find a Style That’s Easy to Work With

As earlier mentioned, avoid complicated styles that are hard to pull off. Unless you’re The Style O.G or Robin James, steer clear from anything you’re not familiar with, for now. There’s always room to try different styles but not when you have an interview on the line, a date, or an important meeting with your investors. Opt for casual styles over stuffy ones. Yes, you can still pull off a sophisticated look even with casual wear and still look professional. It’s really not about looking sharp, but being comfortable and maintaining your confidence while at it.

4. Fitting, Not Tight!

Guys, it’s very important to showcase your masculinity. And what better way than to have it displayed in clothes that fit well. You don’t want to appear sloppy and neither do you want people to have the wrong impression. Choose a style that strikes a balance between tight and loose. Someone in plain tees on jeans can look cooler than a guy in a baggy suit. It’s all about choosing the attires you’re comfortable in. The idea is to wear and not to be worn!

5. Surround Yourself With People Who Know How to Dress

The type of friends you have in your inner circle can influence how you dress. If you are therefore looking to change the way you dress, it’s time you focused on attracting the right crowd. It may sound drastic but it will be a step closer to achieving the look you’ve desired for ages. There’s a good reason why influential people tend to stay closer to other influential people. Start by changing the chilling spots you visit, follow the right people on your social media accounts, like pages that advocate for stylish dress codes, and expose yourself to mentors who can help you dress like a man!

6. Choose Quality Over Quantity

There’s of course the possibility of finding something nice in a thrift store, but if you’re looking for quality, then you need to up your game. You don’t have to spend top dollar on basic clothing like t-shirts or jeans, but when it comes to your shirts, blazers, and tailor-made pants, you’ll need to scratch your wallet some more. It has always been assumed that quality clothes are way too expensive for the ordinary person, but you’ll be surprised what your budget can get you if you opted to shop online. The thing with shopping for your clothes online is that there are no hidden costs, there are higher chances of bonuses and discounts, and you get the best deals on quality clothes. Whether you’re shopping in brick and mortar stores or online, choose fabrics that will last longer, better designs, and styles that fit. 

Pulling off an amazing style isn’t as hard as most men think. You can still opt for simplistic designs and look good. But it’s not about the clothes you wear, but the confidence and the man inside that makes all the difference.

Shubhi Gupta

Shubhi Gupta is a freelance author and writes for a variety of online publications. She actively writes blogs and articles and very fond of writing content on different topics.

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