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Got A Big Garden? Take A Look At These Ideas

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Those of you lucky enough to own lots of land behind your home should try to use it well. The size of the area might mean you are at a loose end when it comes to making it functional. However, there is no reason you can’t use the land and impress all your friends and guests. You probably want to hold onto it until a development company is willing to pay the right price. That makes sense. Even so, you can still use it in the meantime to provide lots of fun and entertainment for your family. Your kids are going to love the area once you make certain changes. There are some ideas mentioned below. You don’t have to use them, but you have to admit they’re pretty cool.


Build a traditional Amish barn

The best thing about Amish barns is they are built to last. Some of them can stay in good condition for more than sixty years. All of them are constructed by hand using traditional techniques. So, it’s quite a sight to see. Adding a barn to your field will mean you can keep a few animals. That should liven the place up and ensure your kids have an enjoyable time. The little ones love caring for animals, and so you might have to invest in a couple of cows. That brings more benefits. You could use them for milk and dairy products, or sell their meat. Whatever you decide to do, you shouldn’t have to cut the grass again.

Add an Olympic-size swimming pool

So long as you have lots of cash in the bank, there is no limit to what you can achieve. You might need to pay someone to level the land before starting work, but adding a swimming pool would be amazing. Just make sure you create a system that will allow you to cover it during the night. The last thing you want is for someone to fall in and injure themselves. Also, creating a swimming pool within your outdoor space will mean you kids stay active. Most children love the water, and it’s important they learn to swim from an early age. Just bear in mind that it will cost a lot to build the pool. You also have to deal with running costs.

Create a nature reserve

So long as you own the land outright, you could open it up to the public as a free nature reserve. Just dig a large pond and attract some ducks, swans, and geese. With a bit of luck, you’ll have frogs and tadpoles in the area before you know it too. Opening your land in that manner will require permission from the authorities. However, they will more than likely grant you that permission because it’s in their interests. Just be aware of the fact that you can’t refuse entry once the reserve is open. People can come to visit whenever they like. With that in mind, you should keep it as far away from your home as possible. Don’t create something that runs straight to your back door. Not unless you’re planning to open a little cafe to provide refreshments?

The basic rule of thumb is that you need to make the outdoor space work for you. There are a million and one different ideas you could try. Just take some inspiration from the concepts on this page and look for something suitable. At the end of the day, you are the only one who can decide what is right for your family. It just seems a shame to underutilize the field if you don’t plan to sell it anytime soon.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of KlmnWeb.