Got a Workout Injury? How to Get Feeling Better Fast

Everyone who works out in a gym knows the feeling of a good workout. The high energy levels and hormonal balance after a good workout are a wonderful feeling. Sometimes unfortunately injuries can occur from a workout. Muscle pulls and minor strains can really impact a workout regimen until they have been treated and feel better. This article will focus on a couple common gym related injuries and also methods to treat these injuries.

Runner’s Knee

High impact workouts on the legs can cause inflammation in the knee joint which can become swollen and painful. Runner’s knee occurs when the patella tendon becomes inflamed on the front of the knee. The best course of treatment is some rest and ice therapy, and also compression wrapped around the patella tendon during exercise. Be sure to take care of your knees if you run a lot and need to take extra care to support your health.

Lower Back Pain

There are many different things that can create lower back pain, but the fact of the matter is lower back pain can really sideline you from working out. Whether it is muscle tightness or pelvic tilt or maybe even disc issues lower back pain will make it very uncomfortable to walk let alone try to work out. Anti-inflammatory pills and laying in an anti-gravity position will really help ease lower back pain. Anti-gravity is achieve with slight elevation of the head and neck from the hips, and an even higher elevation of the feet above the hips. This position lets the lower back muscles relax.

Shin Splints

Maybe the most common of all injuries and nagging pain is shin splints. Over stressing of the little attaching muscles on the front of the tibia bone create pain that we commonly call shin splints. This area of the lower leg takes almost all of the force from the ground after the ankle so it is very common to develop shin splints. To treat shin splints rest is the best option. Other forms of workouts that do not require forceful movement from the ground like biking and swimming are good alternatives. Trying to talk on heels periodically throughout the day is also a good idea as well.

Injury Care Clinic

If your injury is problematic enough that you need assistance or care to treat it, you may consider going to an injury care clinic. Some companies, like Advanced Injury Care, know that this is a great step to take. They are specialists that create the right treatment options to get you back in the gym and doing what you love, working out. Be sure to ask for recommendations on how to avoid injury in the future.

There so many workouts out there and each and every one of them can create an injury if they are not performed well. There are lots of very common injuries like the three talked about in this article, hopefully you will not have to deal with any of them. If you do think about some of these treatment options, so that you can get back in the gym as soon as possible.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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