Great Ways to Spoil your Dad this Father’s Day

Shopping for dear old dad may be a bit of a challenge this year. How do you buy something for someone who seemingly already has everything money can buy? Unless there is a specific request from your pops, you may be scrambling to figure out what to get. Why not treat him like the king he is this Father’s Day? Here are some fantastic ways that you can spoil your dad for all the years he has been so good to you.


1. Make Him an Amazing Meal

They always say that the best way to get to any man’s heart is through his stomach, and when it comes to your daddy, he probably loves to eat. Why not have a barbeque with mouth-watering steaks and plenty of other options? Baked potatoes and a cake made from scratch will hit him right where he lives.


2. Take Him on A Date

There is nothing sweeter than taking your dad on a date. Many people focus on taking mom out on the town, why not take dad on a shopping trip and out to eat? If he is the adventurous type, then you may take him to an amusement park or even the mall. Yes, some fathers love to shop too. While you are on a shopping run, do not forget to pick up some Lularoe for yourself. Practicing self love is something you should do year round.


3. Send Him A Singing Telegram

So if you want to receive accolades for the most creative gift, why not send your dad a singing telegram? If he works in public, a singing bear or other animal will be a gas. He may not like it, but you are sure to get a few laughs from the event, and there is no better memory than a singing animal at a place of employment. While he may be a tad bit embarrassed, he will never forget the extra effort you made to make him smile.


4. Take Him Golfing

Many dads love a good day on the golf course. Why not join in the fun? Even if you are no Tiger Woods, you can still drive him around and attempt a shot once or twice. He will love the one-on-one quality time that you two have together.


5. Get Him the Latest Techno Gadget

Is your dad one of the people that get in line for the new Apple iPhone? Why not get him the latest techno gadget that he has been wanting? Smartwatches, tablets, and computers are perfect gifts for the dad who has everything but needs to update a bit.


6. Give Him the Day Off

Unless your dad is in the retirement years, he probably has a full schedule every day of the week. Why not give him the day off and take care of things for him? Does his lawn need to be mowed? You can mow his grass, grab his favorite magazines, give him some tasty food, and tell him to hit the couch. What man does not want to be a couch potato for a day? He will appreciate your help around the house and knowing that he did not have to lift a finger.


7. Make Him A Memory Book

Is your dad sentimental? Many people think of moms as being the sensitive ones, but there are many daddies out there that simply adore pictures of the family. Why not make “The book of dad?” Gather all the fantastic pictures of him and his children and grandchildren and make a memory book or a collage for the wall.


Coming up with a great gift may seem overwhelming at first, but when you start brainstorming, you will come up with something amazing. Whatever you get your dad, he is sure to like it. The fact that you took time out of your schedule and put forth the effort makes the gift extra special. Honor him this year and show him how much he means to you.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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