Guide to Best Modern Event Furniture

While planning for an event, a lot of various factors play through our mind. When will the event going to happen, how many people will visit, where it will be held and so on. And surely, where are you going to procure the event furniture from. Although this question doesn’t pop up in our mind at the very thought of event hosting, eventually we come to this question and end up realizing that it is as important as the other main questions. Suiting the type of event, you can buy both contemporary and traditional furniture to make your event a memorable one. Usually, furniture required in the events includes dance floors, bars, chairs and tables and so on.

So, we will talk in detail about modern event furniture here. Firstly, you need to analyze the kind of event you are hosting. Whether is it an office party or something of a formal nature or is it something more casual like a wedding or a birthday party? What kind of furniture you have rented for the event does make an initial impression on guests? Other factors like food also matter but don’t underestimate the value of the impression modern event furniture can create.

Event Furniture

A Few Points that you Should Keep in Mind are: 

Style of decor

After you have decided the date, the venue and even finalized the guest list, you need to choose a suitable style for the event. You can go from modern furniture to vintage furniture to colorful. Choose the one that would complement your event the best.

Furniture types

Seating Options: You can choose your modern event furniture from a plethora of options. You can go for beanbags, sofas, bar stools or quirky stools. This provides a good break out area for the guests to relax and sit back.

Chairs and Tables: Starting right from vintage chairs to rustic tables, there are many ways to create awesome event spaces with your event furniture. Using chairs and tables allows creating extra spaces for people to sit, talk, relax and recharge.

Dining Furniture: Depending on your preference and on the venue space available, you can choose either the banqueting style or the traditional rounds. Banqueting style involves long tables positioned generally in rows with either benches or individual chairs. Traditional rounds have round tables of either 5ft or 6ft long with individual chairs.

Bar Furniture: Another good option is to provide high top bar chairs and tables. These are rather popular in more informal events where you wish to provide seating options but don’t require any kind of formal sit down dining. One popular option is to rent bar stools and poseur tables. Since they are higher than usual, they allow the guest’s space to rest their drinks.

Outdoor Event Furniture: When you are planning for an outdoor event, you can go for outdoor chairs and tables, relaxed lounge furniture, deckchairs or maybe something unique like reclaimed cable reel tables.

Event Furniture

Amount of Furniture Required

Every event is different and requires a different type of planning. But a couple of handy points should be followed while calculating the amount of modern event furniture you need. It mainly depends on the format of the event. If you are hosting an informal event and seating isn’t required for each and every guest, then it’s best to go with a 50% allowance.

That should provide enough seats for almost half of the guests. In events where seating is necessary for the majority of guests, 20-30% guests should have additional event furniture.

In any case, hiring modern event furniture doesn’t need to be difficult or cumbersome. With the right furniture, you can make a really good impression in front of your guests. Just follow the basic guidelines and the rest will fall in place.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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