Guidelines on Dyslexia Test and Treatment for Child


Dyslexia is the learning disorder which if occurs in your children then he/she might not be able to learn, spell or in worst cases even speak properly. And as and when he grows older he might face severe issues and obstacles in leading a healthy life.

Dyslexia is highly genetic and if you are suffering from this then there are higher chances that your child will also suffer from the same. It is obviously better to know as early as possible that your child is suffering from dyslexia. This might weaken you as a parent, but this will definitely help you and your child both in the future.

Test for Dyslexia

Firstly, you need to be sure that your child is suffering from dyslexia. Various tests and self-assessment tools are available all over the internet which will help you to know if your child is suffering from dyslexia.

Let’s have a look Some of the Dyslexia Tests and Treatment:

  1. Highly bright and intellectual kid but they are unable to speak, write or learn anything for a very long time
  2. Teachers might complain you regularly that your kid might have some behavior issues
  3. You might also hear constant complaint of being labelled as lazy, immature, do not care attitude
  4. High in IQ but does not perform well in written and oral exams
  5. Talented in art and drama and other creative sessions
  6. Your kid might be labelled as a day dreamer or mostly lost in his thoughts and in his own imaginary world.
  7. He loses his attention extremely fast or we can say that his attention span is too less
  8. Learns best through hand on experiences, visual aids rather than conventional speaking and writing
  9. Regular complaints of dizziness, headaches and stomach aches
  10. Confused by letters, numbers and sequences
  11. Repetitions in reading, writing and speaking
  12. Spelling issues are major
  13. Speaks in phrases and in halting manner
  14. Pencil grip is quite unusual
  15. Difficulty in left right order
  16. Quite clumsy and uncoordinated which reflects highly in team work
  17. Not at all energetic
  18. Difficulty in telling time and even managing time
  19. Knows counting but cannot count objects and money

Treatment for Dyslexia

Now a day’s clinical technology has advanced a lot. And there are many professional treatment and help available to treat dyslexia children.

Let’s have a look at Some of the Best Dyslexia Test and Treatment Available:

  1. Professional Services: Many kinds of professional services are available for dyslexia children. These dyslexia test and treatment help to boost confidence among dyslexia children and help them to bring back into the mainstream life.
  2. Multisensory Instruction: Multisensory instruction is one of the most common medium to teach dyslexia children. This instruction tool helps children to learn what any normal children in school can also learn and is one of the most important tool in dyslexia test and treatmen
  3. Reading Programs: There are a number of reading programs which also help dyslexia children. The approach used in this treatment in called as Orton Gillingham. These approaches are also known to benefit younger dyslexia children and thus form an important part of dyslexia test and treatment.
  4. Individualized Education Programme (IEP): Under the law, public personnel are asked to design such programme for dyslexia suffering kids. This is just like a special school for the kids and takes care of all their educational as well as personal issues.

So, these were some of the major dyslexia tests and treatments for kids. You must understand that dyslexia are a mental state and it might be treated accordingly.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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