Handy Looks at How to Find Summer Interns


Good interns are hard to find. According to Handy, whether you are a small business or a large corporation, getting the right candidates can be a bit tricky. You don’t want to nurture someone who isn’t professional and lacks the right mindset. You want someone who is eager to learn and wants to become a part of your growth story. Here’s how you can find the best summer interns:


The Details


  1. Referrals from friends and family – This applies mostly for small businesses. However, hiring managers of large businesses can also put this into practice. You can ask your friends and family about the candidates they have in mind. This isn’t just free, but also comes with the advantage of pre-screening since you get the contacts from people who you trust.


  1. Put up listings on your company website and social media channels – This is also a great option for finding summer interns since it attracts those people who are genuinely interested in your business. They find out about your business and are interested in the job role and hence come across your listing due to the search engine algorithms. This option is also free since you don’t need to spend an extra dime for marketing or put up a notification. It is also good for your brand image since it lets people know that you are growing and require interns or new employees.


  1. Local high schools, colleges, and tech schools – Get in touch with the guidance office or local counseling center of educational institutions. The schools would be eager to invite you since it creates a good reputation for them, and the students also support it since they get a shot at employment and real work experience. However, schools may require proof of work or evaluation at the end of the internship program. If the schools can provide you with motivated, qualified, and eager interns, the extra paperwork is well worth it.


  1. Career and intern websites – If you limit your search to local institutions you may miss out on talented students from other places. There are numerous websites where you can list out your internship programs for free or for a reasonable charge:
  • com – This site has hundreds of thousands of listings from tens of thousands of employers and you can be one of them. Moreover, you don’t have to pay anything for listing positions.
  • com – One of the greatest advantages of this site is that it notifies internship seekers whenever a new internship is listed within their area of interest. So, whether there are local students or someone who wants to do an internship in your city, this site will do a good job to increase your reach to the right candidates.



Handy suggests that you always create internship opportunities that benefit you and the intern for a win-win situation. A well-nurtured and motivated intern may return as a skilled employee after they have conducted their summer internship at your workplace

The more set you up are, the simpler it will be to really present the applications since you’ll have all that you need assembled as of now.

Push out applications: Once you have the entirety of your materials together and altered for every particular position, it’s an ideal opportunity to send them out. Send them out as near each other as conceivable to all the more likely track them, yet don’t attempt to do a lot on the double. Convey a bunch every day as time permits, yet be taught and don’t miss days.

Follow up on applications: Multi week subsequent to presenting an application, follow up to ensure it was gotten.


Walter Moore

Walter Moore is a financial consultant in a reputed private firm. He has recently taken to blogging and enjoys it immensely.

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