Have Constant Anxiety? How to Turn Your Home into a Place You Can De-Stress

Anxiety is so common in today’s society, that many of us find ourselves stressing out about how stressed we are! Don’t worry, though. There is a way to reverse the vicious cycle! By making a few small but significant changes, you can turn your home into a sanctuary. Read on to begin your journey towards peace and carefree relaxation.

Cleanliness Is Next to Peacefulness

Even if you are not a “neat freak,” people are more at ease in a clean and organized environment. It is difficult to find the time and energy required for cleaning, but here are two pieces of good news…it’s easy to maintain once you have a “clean” slate, and a little bit goes a long way. Schedule an initial deep clean and organization. If you have the money and wish to make this a priority, hire a professional. If not, schedule a date, write it down, and set a reminder! Once your home is an environment you can relax in, commit yourself to doing just one task per day to maintain it.

Soak Your Stress Away

As the American Psychological Association explains, the connection between physical and mental tension is a strong. There is nothing like a long, hot soak in a hot tub to ease tense muscles, which in turn eases a tense mind. A hot tub purchase is an investment in your physical and mental health. It will provide you something stable to look forward to during each stressful day. It is still an investment, so you want to make the right choice. If you’re interested in this option, consider checking out some hot tub reviews.

Paint the House Anything but Red

The colors of your home décor impact your stress levels. True red is the most stress-inducing color, followed by bright orange. These hues can be calming in darker or paler shades, but save brighter versions for small pops and rooms in which you want to evoke energy, creativity, and passion. There are a wide variety of colors that known to calm the nerves and relax the mind. Fox News compiled this explanation of 8 such colors. Take note of the colors surrounding you in places you visit and how they make you feel. Then grab paint swatches and visit your favorite home décor store! Even a few simple items can rearrange your home’s color palate enough to have a calming effect.

Home Is Where….

Think about how you finish this sentence. How do you spend your time at home? Do you work from home? Do you exercise at home? Do you find meal preparation to be a stressor or a joy? Use your answers to all of these questions to restructure your home and the time you spend there. If you have no choice but to work or exercise from home, pick one room or corner at which to do that, and never stray. Working is the opposite of relaxation, and exercising increases cardiovascular functioning in similar ways as stress does, which can confuse your brain if you also want home to be a place where you feel the opposite. If cooking stresses you out, pick one day to get it out of the way and package it in easy-to-grab portions for the rest of the week.

Your home is where you begin and end almost every single day. If you associate “home” with calm and contentedness, your overall anxiety levels will immediately decrease. Once you follow these steps to build a foundation, you will begin to notice other things to avoid and add to your life in order to keep that de-stress going!

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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