Health Advances for Work: Millennials Generation – Are We Being Fair to Ourselves?

During job interviews, when asked: “This job takes flexible time, and is always ready to support clients, how do you feel?” and “I can do it” is the answer that many young people will not hesitate to assert. Not only just starting work, but many people are also unable to refuse such requests even after working for a long time.

Then, to prove that “I can do” that, we are eager and ready to give up any time of our own, and even more so.

From Millennials generation onwards, information is covered more widely than ever. Any story about young talented people in a certain field is easily spread, received attention, shared as a way to inspire each other to strive in a few years called ” green spring” in career to work hard to earn money. It is like starting the race with a new car, fuel-rich, smooth and never broken, ready to go to challenge every bump of the road. That new car is the body, the health, the youth that everyone has had.

A Sad Story

Not long ago, the story of a young man who worked as a filmmaker leaving at the age of 31 because of overwork startled many people. The editing work with plowing nights, all night to morning to meet the deadline of clients has eroded his health and taken away the youth and future of this guy. The sudden departure shocked and mourned his friends. In community posts and shares, the sad news about the boy is deeply sympathetic, because there are so many young people, not only in Vietnam but in many other countries.

“YOLO” – you only live once. For many people, that is an encouragement to be reckless and foolish. But, because there is a time to live, don’t forget that you need to cherish this unique opportunity.

In the midst of an era when everyone wants to prove their ability, to assert the value for others to recognize and remember, each individual has to sacrifice 2 or 3 times more. Health status and happiness index – this is a tragic dark corner of many millennials. Work came, but a month did not talk to parents. You have money to buy brand-name goods, but you can eat while responding to customers or worrying about work. Travel, check-in luxury place but real rest time in minutes. There is a “chill dew” bedroom but not really have a full 8 hours sleep.

Undeniably “hard work pays off”, your hard work will give you other commensurate values. Trade-offs aren’t always bad, but how much is enough, and when to stop is a question that is difficult for many people.

Young people, especially the Millennials generation, shared widely the title “Steve Job’s words” after the death of Apple’s father. At the time of publication, there were more than 20 thousand likes and more than 14 thousand posts shares with too much sympathy (this figure may exceed by far). “What is the most expensive bed in the world? – It’s the ‘hospital bed’. You can use a driver for you, make money for you but you can’t have someone sick for you. No matter how glorious the stage in our life we ​​are, with the ravages of time, we will have to face the downs … “- A famous, overly influential person like Steve Job, when writing the last words, is still a struggle between “career” and “health”.

In life, there are many promising plans and plans. You always have the desire to conquer new heights, and ambition is something that easily overshades many other values. But life always contains unexpected events without warning. Unfortunately, it can cause you to never get what you want.

Apart from Work, You Also Need to Live Your Life

Staying up all night to meet the deadline, skipping meals arbitrarily … we are “advance” our health, but forget that the money you earned today may have to be used to “buy” for health later. this.

Everyone has 24 hours to work and enjoy everyday life. There is no universal formula for everything, except that you must always tell yourself: you love yourself more than work. Try different from your same daily routine, see if it matters if you stop working after 6 pm? – No.

But maybe your life will stop if you continue working after 6 p.m., 10 p.m., 1 a.m. or 4 a.m. Turn off the phone, turn off email, or work messages. The evening is really the time to recharge yourself after a long day at work. This can be also the time for learning a new skill as well as entertainment like dancing, playing the sport, etc. that can turn you into a more interested person.

Sam Wilson

Sam Wilson did master’s in English literature and is now perusing M. Phil in the same field with a desire to be the best writer and share his thoughts with the World.

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