Health Symptoms That Your Family Should Take Seriously

Some symptoms are mild enough that people often brush them off as an occasional cough or a mere headache. But not all symptoms are harmless and won’t always go away after some time. Knowing which health symptoms are a pretext for more serious underlying conditions will enable you to get immediate medical attention and improve the success rate of whatever intervention or treatment plan is deemed appropriate. Here are 7 health symptoms that your family should take seriously.


Getting a fever isn’t uncommon, but if it’s onset is frequent and/or severe, it may require a more thorough assessment. Fever is the result of your body fending off an infection. The fever can be signaling something as minor as urinary tract disease or something much worse, such as TB or tuberculosis. Fever may also be a direct result of malignant cells, such as lymphoma. Fever that lasts for more than three days or exceeds body temperatures of 39.4 degrees Celsius may suggest something far more serious than your occasional high temperatures.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Although you may find sudden weight loss to be a good thing, losing a considerable amount of weight without any apparent reason, such as changes in diet or exercise regimen, may actually be a bad thing. Losing weight inexplicably may be a sign of diabetes, liver damage, hepatitis C or B, and depression. Your body’s inability to absorb nutrients from the food you consume is something that you should speak with your healthcare provider about, especially if you’ve been losing weight without even attempting to or have lost over 10 lbs or over 5 percent of your body mass in the span of six months.


Sleeping on your hand, leg, or one side of your face can cause a numbing sensation on that body part for a short period of time. Though the temporary numbing sensation in this particular situation is nothing that should cause concern, the frequency and severity of this symptom may suggest stroke, specifically if it is accompanied by erratic bouts of confusion, slurred speech, and blurry vision. Numbing sensation may also be linked to Lyme disease, diabetes, and spinal disc herniation.

Shortness of Breath

Periods of labored breathing may be experienced after intense physical activity, which is completely normal. In addition, it’s also common amongst people who have weight issues, are in high-altitude locations, or are exposed to extreme temperatures. But shortness of breath can also be a medical anomaly for something more severe, such as COPD, pneumonia, and other respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. Aside from being out of breath, difficulty breathing through the nasal passage may also be caused by congestion, sleep apnea, or just general problems with nasal breathing. Seek virtual consultation and a subsequent FAGGA in Palmdale CA or your particular locale for low-risk treatment of your nasal complications.

Shift in Mood

Mental and emotional disorders can disable a family member from living a full life. Severe anxiety, fatigue even when getting enough rest, and feeling depressed and unmotivated all the time are red flags of underlying mental illness. Other mental health symptoms to watch out for are suicidal or homicidal thoughts, hallucinations, or trauma-induced flashbacks. Seek the advice of a mental health expert, such as a licensed psychiatrist or therapist.

Sharp Chest Pain

Chest paint is another major health symptom that should not be taken lightly, even more so if your family is genetically predisposed to heart conditions. Spontaneous sharp chest pains are often linked to heart attacks. While episodes may not be severe enough for a family member to need to go to the hospital, chest pain that is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and acute perspiration should be looked at right away by your healthcare provider.


Swelling or inflammation of a body part, especially in your extremities, may be a sign of infection as well as buildup of fluid due to poor circulation. In older family members, this can occur as your body’s blood vessels weaken and shrink. This may also lead to blood clots, which puts them at higher risk of stroke or heart attack.

Final Thoughts

Quickly noticing the regularity or severity of these symptoms in you or your family member can make the difference between life and death. Even without these symptoms, consider a comprehensive medical checkup done by a physician of your choosing at least once a year for you and your family.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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