Healthy Ways to Start Your Morning in a Positive Mood

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Whether you’re a morning person by nature or if the early hours are difficult for you, there are steps everyone can take to help start their day off on a more positive note. Doing so involves being purposeful with your routine. Simply jumping out of bed and rushing around to pull everything together in a mad dash to beat the clock isn’t going to cut it. Instead, you’ll want to develop some habits that can be customized to your own lifestyle to help you start each morning in a positive mood.

Get Plenty of Sleep

While it might seem obvious, getting enough sleep is probably the best thing you can do in order to get a good start in the morning. Are you taking a proactive approach to proper sleep hygiene? Many people aren’t. It’s not unusual to just fall into bed at odd hours each night or to scroll social media until you feel sleepy. However, habits like these can prevent you from getting a full night’s sleep. Try to create a routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Prepare your body and mind for proper rest by limiting your exposure to noise and bright lights like those from electronic devices an hour before bedtime. Create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom with dim lighting and cool temperature. You’ll be sleeping better and waking up well-rested before you know it.

Enjoy Some Breakfast & Coffee

Though it may seem old-fashioned, many still believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Even if you only have a light meal, taking the time to sit down and quietly eat something nutritious can be an important part of any morning routine. A warm, soothing beverage like your favorite herbal tea or Kona peaberry coffee make your morning meal extra special. Plus, fueling your body will give you the energy you need to make it through your morning.

Make Your Bed

Even a habit as small as making your bed each day can make a big difference to your attitude. This tiny act can help you to feel a sense of accomplishment, while at the same time creating a more aesthetically pleasing environment. A neat and tidy space cuts down on visual clutter. This can have a calming effect on the mind and provide a bit of momentum to push you along in the morning.

Choose Your Mindset

Another way to start the day on a positive note is to take charge of your mindset upon waking. Rather than just getting up and taking care of things like making breakfast and choosing your outfit for the day, it’s a good idea to take time to set your intentions. You can do this in numerous ways. Some people like to take a moment for silent meditation or yoga. Such mindful practices allow you to focus on the current moment instead of allowing your mind to wander or to be taken over by anxious thoughts. You might enjoy journaling. Jotting down the things you’re grateful for or allowing yourself to free write can help to point you in a positive direction and clear your head. Repeating a mantra or various affirmations aloud is another practice that works well to ground you and to create positivity.

Set Goals for the Day Ahead

Finally, you should set aside time in the morning to think about your goals for the day ahead and to make a plan. This can be done before leaving the house or when you first arrive at work. Some folks who take public transportation might be able to fit their planning time smoothly into their commute. Setting priorities and creating a basic road map for your day sets you up to accomplish more. It teaches your brain what to expect. You can then move forward primed to accomplish these expectations.


These are some common ways to start your morning in a positive mood. You can use these as a guideline and tweak them to your own unique interests and lifestyle. What matters most is that you start each day intentionally and create habits that allow you to move purposefully through your day. This type of morning ritual lets you take control of your day, rather than just forging ahead blindly.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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