Here Are 6 Reasons Why Your Dental Implant Surgery Isn’t Successful

Your teeth are one of the most functional bones in the body. Just like the bones in any other part of your body, even your teeth become weak as you age. This may result in tooth loss. This is when a lot of people rely upon dental implant surgery. A dental implant is a metal post that acts as a base for an artificial tooth that will replace the tooth that you’ve lost. Once the dental implant is attached to your jaw bone, your oral surgeon will mount a replacement tooth on it. There are a lot of tips on dental implant care after surgery that you can learn from your surgeon to ensure the success of your implant.

Regardless of how well you think your surgery went, there are still quite a few factors that have an impact on the success of a dental implant. Let’s get right into it.

  1. Gum disease

Bleeding gums, swollen gums or red and tender gums are all the symptoms of gum diseases. If you suffer from any of these then you cannot undergo dental implant surgery unless you get treatment for gum diseases. Gum disease affects your gums and jaw bone which is why your dentist will advise you to get your gums treated before you go ahead with the surgery. If the infection remains untreated, it could also develop around the implant and the procedure won’t be a success.

  1. Smoking

Smoking is not just bad for your lungs but also harms your oral health. Smoking restricts blood flow to the gums which is important for the healing process. Research has shown that smokers have a 20% rate of dental implant failure. If you can’t quit smoking altogether, you should try giving it a break for at least one week before your dental implant appointment.

  1. Insufficient jaw bone

You need to have enough healthy jaw bone to support the jaw bone. If your jaw has insufficient jaw bone then the surgeon will be unable to place the implant into your jaw. There could be many reasons for a fragile bone structure. The most common ones are osteoporosis and gum diseases. If you have osteoporosis, your bones will become weak and they won’t be healthy enough to support a dental implant.

  1. Medical conditions

Various medical conditions can make the healing process slower. Autoimmune diseases like diabetes and arthritis can lead to dental implant failure. If your doctor has prescribed you certain medicines for your medical conditions then that could also be the cause for delayed healing.

  1. Poor dental hygiene

Poor oral hygiene will not only foster infections but it will also make the healing process extremely slow. If you fail to brush your teeth two times a day or floss regularly, you’re not the right candidate for dental implants. Focus on improving your dental hygiene first and then you can consider getting a teeth implant.

  1. Inexperienced surgeon 

Your family dentist might be good for your root canal but he might not be good enough for dental implant surgery. Not all dentists are proficient enough in all branches of dentistry. An experienced surgeon will mow how many implants you require and the right skills required for the surgery, a naive surgeon might not be cautious enough during the surgery which may cause injury to periodontal tissue. So, before you go ahead and fix an appointment with the best dentist in Roanoke, VA, make sure you’ve done your research about their reputation.

Finding the right dental carecan be a bit overwhelming. Make sure you visit the dentist in person or at least schedule a consultation over a video call to be sure that you’re making the correct decision.


Olive Smith

Olive Smith is a professional blogger who loves to write on numerous topics.

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