HGH Impact on Men Over 50 – Clinical Study and Results

In July, the most prestigious medical journal in the United States, The New England Journal of Medicine published a clinical study that changed the concepts of anti-aging in an amazing way. Daniel Rudman and his colleagues reported the results of their 6-month trial of somatotropin therapy or Growth Hormone (HGH) in 21 men between 61 and 81 years. Surprisingly, without any change in diet, exercise, lifestyle, etc., the 21 men gained muscle mass, lost fat, increased their bone density, the thickness of their skin, and enlarged their livers and spleens by almost 20%.

HGH reversed the biological age of these subjects by an average of 14 years.

Background of HGH Usage

Prior to Rudman’s study, the use of HGH had been limited to children with growth failure due to somatotropin deficiency, and to adults whose pituitary glands had been destroyed by injury, disease or radiation.

Also before 1985, the supply of somatotropin was very restricted because to obtain it, it was extracted from the pituitary of human cadavers. The use of this hormone in humans began in 1958 when the endocrinologist Maurice Raben injected this hormone in a child with pituitary dwarfism, with the incredible result of the return of the child’s growth, to normal levels. In the next 30 years, thousands of children received HGH. By 1985 the company that paved the way for recombinant DNA technology, the Genentech house, created the first synthetic HGH, initiating its mass production.

HGH is a large hormone of 191 amino acids in a single chain in a three-dimensional structure. Such a complex protein cannot survive the environment of the stomach and must be received injected. HGH is secreted in a pulsating form, mostly in the first hours of sleep during slow brain wave intervals.

In 1996, the FDA removed the ban on the use of HGH for adult patients.

The Study of HGH Usage on Men Over 50

From 1994 to 1996, more than 800 people with HGH were treated at Dr. Chein’s clinic. Dr. Chein began his collaboration with Dr. L. Cass Terry who helped examine the large volume of clinical data of these patients, and collect a statistical profile of significant results. These results would demonstrate to scientists and the public, the safety and efficacy of HGH in improving a wide range of health parameters in adults. The data from Chein and Terry were first published by Dr. Ronald Klatz in the book Grow Young with HGH.

For reasons of convenience, Dr. Rudman in his study had injected his men three times a week, a total of 16 units per week, which is a high dose.

Side effects of these doses appeared as carpal tunnel syndrome, gynecomastia, joint pain and leg edema. These disappeared or decreased markedly after 2 weeks of lowering the HGH dose from 25% to 50%.

Then other researchers adopted a regimen of injections that resembled more the natural rhythms of secretion of HGH. The patients learned to administer the injections subcutaneously, 6 days a week, before going to bed and when getting up. The rest day was left to prevent the pituitary patients from ceasing the secretion of somatotropin. A dose of 0.3 to 0.7 units of HGH was given twice a day, for a weekly total of 4 to 8 units.

With this protocol, doctors Chein and Terry found no significant side effects in their 800 patients. Joint pain and slight fluid retention were the only side effects they encountered, and these disappeared during the course of treatment.  For more details please visit hghtherapydoctor.us/hgh/what-to-know-about-hgh-for-men-over-50

Based on the results of randomized surveys of 202 patients, between 39 and 74 years old (15% female), Chein and Terry reported several important benefits of their low dose and high frequency program.

  • More than 80% lost weight.
  • 72% noticed a significant loss of fat.
  • The 60 to 70% noticed improvement in the skin (texture, thickness, elasticity and disappearance of wrinkles).
  • 38% reported new hair growth.
  • Between 55 to 71% noticed an improvement in the healing response to the lesions.
  • 73% reported an increase in disease resistance.
  • 62 to 84% of subjects enjoyed an increase in energy levels, emotional stability, positive attitude and memory.

Sanath Pollemore

An Avid Music Lover, Sanath Mostly Busy in Listening Music and Upgrade His Collection.

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