Holiday Ideas For You and Your Employees


Right after Thanksgiving (and sometimes even right after Halloween), the holidays start to make themselves known. It is a smart idea to make sure you have a home security system installed to prevent break-ins this Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Hanukkah, and a series of other holidays are all celebrated and enjoyed. Decorations abound at the local stores, music is blasted on the radio, and there are tons of treats and feasts for everyone to enjoy. No holiday season is complete, however, without the annual holiday celebration at work. Whether you look forward to this party with glee or with cold dread, a lot of fun can be had with the right effort made. To make your holiday party this year be the best one yet, consider some of these ideas.


  1. The Gift Exchange

Protest that they might, everyone loves receiving presents. However, that doesn’t always mean that people receive the best of presents. A way to help your employees through the confusion and awkward gift-exchange is to have everyone write a list of items they wouldn’t mind receiving. This list should include items in specific price ranges that you lay out, so everyone can participate without having to empty out their wallet. After all, those employees have to buy presents for their families and friends, too. To make sure no one is left out, you can either do Secret Santa or just assign people yourself by using a randomizer. In this way, you can keep the gift exchange fair and everyone gets a chance to receive something great. Why not make it really fun and have everyone include a gag gift, too!?


  1. Go Out

Office parties are so yesterday. When was the last time your office went out together and actually did something fun? Now is as good a time as any to show your employees how much you appreciate them. In fact, your gift to them could be tickets to go see a show–holiday-inspired or not. Perhaps even a local game that is playing in an indoor arena could interest your employees. If you happen to work in a town where nothing much goes on, then even a trip to a favorite bar could be an exciting change of events. At the very least, it will allow an opportunity for your employees to bond outside of the office. It sure doesn’t hurt to earn yourself a few employer brownie points either.


  1. Food

One of the best aspects of the holiday season is all of the food that’s cooked. You can bring that right into the office for an after-hours party that focuses on food. For those who work in a competitive environment, or at least have a few competitive people in the office, you can really make the party exciting by having a bake-off. Everyone loves those cooking and baking competition shows. Whether it turns into a catastrophe of cooking failure or a delicious treat doesn’t matter, because everyone is sure to have a lot of fun. Just be sure you have a pizza delivery business on call in the event that the cooking competition doesn’t quite turn out how your appetite might hope it would.


  1. New Years Eve Bash

When it comes to New Year’s Eve, lots of people have their traditions. You can start one for your office by hosting them at your place or a hotel. You can all attempt to stay up until midnight and let the champagne flow. By hosting, you can either let your guests take up bedrooms in your home or utilize the services of the hotel. Either way, the opportunity allows the employees to mingle and relax and celebrate the ending of the year together. Include some music, and you might have yourself quite the party on hand. Something to remember for sure!


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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