Home Maintenance You Should Take Care of Before the Weather Warms Up

Even relatively mild weather can have a big effect on our homes. Just before the weather changes is when you want to prepare your home for the upcoming weather conditions it will have to endure. Here is some home maintenance you should take care of before the weather warms.

Roof and Gutters

When the weather gets warm, your roof absorbs the scorching hot rays of the sun for hours every single day. This can cause damage if your roof isn’t ready for it. You want the roof to be able to protect your family and your valuables from those same scorching rays. Spring also comes with rain, and your roof has to be able to withstand those showers. Damaged shingles can lead to serious leaks into your home. From the ground, check on the roof to see if there are any missing or damaged shingles as these are a key indicator that there may be deeper damage. If you notice any curling, cracked, or missing shingles, talk to a roof repair contractor. They’ll have the equipment and the experience needed to take a closer look at the problem.

This is also a good time to examine the gutters. When heavy rains come, you want the water to be properly redirected away from your home. If the gutters are damaged or clogged with leaves, they won’t do their job, and the foundation of your home could pay the price. Cleaning out the gutters is often a job you can do on your own, but if your home is taller or if you don’t have the right tools, have a professional do the work instead.

Windows and Doors

If your windows and doors are properly secure, they will help keep the hot air out of your home. This will make it so that you won’t need to use your air conditioner as much. Get energy efficient windows and doors when it’s time to replace the ones you have.

Additionally, use weather-stripping or caulk to close up any small holes that may exist around the door and window frames. These can be easy to miss, so do a walk around your home looking for them. Even small cracks can let out a lot of cool air.

HVAC System Maintenance

Your HVAC system is going to get a lot more as the weather gets hotter, so you want it to work properly. Start by getting professional HVAC maintenance. They will help prolong the age of your unit and keep it running efficiently. 

However, all HVAC systems give out at some point. When your unit has reached the end of its lifespan, talk to your HVAC professional about new AC installation services. Taking care of this before the weather warms up means that you can avoid the busy season, and you won’t have to deal with an overheated home if it breaks down unexpectedly during the summer.

Get the Yard Ready

When the weather gets warm, people are going to be socializing outside again. It’s time to bring out the grill, hose, and garden tools. You’ll also want to prep the soil early if you plan to garden. Having everything taken care of and set up early means that you can take advantage of your yard at any time.

Most people get excited for the warm weather after months of staying indoors and wearing thick clothing. When you do these simple maintenance tasks, your home will be just as ready for warm weather as you are.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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