House Maintenance Tips You Should Follow

We should take pride in the things that we own, especially our home because we spend so much of our time there and we spend our hard earned money to buy it. Homes aren’t cheap and a decent home will cost you around two to three hundred thousand dollars. That’s a lot of money when you stop to think about it and once you pay the interest on the note over the term of the loan you will end up paying an additional one hundred thousand dollars. Anything that you spend that much money on should be taken care of properly. If you maintain your home routinely it will last you a lot longer. Let’s take a look at some of the things that you can do to keep your home looking nice for years to come.

The Roof

Your roof protects you from the outside elements such as rain, cold weather and hot weather so you need to make sure that your roof is preserved. To do this you need to get on the room and clear it from any debris that may have fallen on it such as leaves and branches. If you don’t remove these things they can potentially damage the roof and cause more problems. Around the edges of the roof you probably have gutters installed and these become filled with leaves over time. These also need to be cleaned out on a regular basis to stop them from clogging up.

The Yard

Cutting your grass and keeping it nicely manicured is just like getting a haircut, once you get it done you feel better and look better. Yards that have overgrown grass, unruly bushes, tall weeds and dead flowers in them are definitely an eyesore. It makes your entire home very unattractive. Your lawn care routine should consist of regularly cutting the grass, watering the flowers, raking the leaves, fertilizing and weed removal. If you don’t have time to do it yourself or if you just don’t like to spend time in the yard you can always hire an outside service to come and take care of it for you on a weekly basis. These types of lawn services are very affordable.

Power Washing

Your driveway and the siding of the house need to be power washed to keep it looking its best at all times. The siding on the house can get mold on it quickly and some homeowners associations will fine you if you don’t remove it in a timely manner. When you power wash the siding on the home it will only take you about thirty extra minutes to do the driveway and it will make a huge difference in the appearance of your home.


The simple tips will help your home look its best and it will also help keep the value of your home. Homes are supposed to increase in value as time goes on but if you let it deteriorate the value will decrease significantly. Maintaining your home on a regular schedule will protect your investment for years to come.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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