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How Are Technological Advancements Affecting Our Lives?

We all are proud users of technology. From accessing cell phones to the internet and hand-held devices, we seldom realize that our lives today revolve around technology in one way or the other.

There is no industry which seems to be untouched from the revolutionary ideas and results of technology. From banking to healthcare, agriculture, and education, everything is perfectly revolutionized, only for our better. Let us have a quick look at a few ways technology has changed our lives.

  • Effect on society

Needless to say, technology has a widespread effect on our society. People living far away feel connected and close with the help of internet. They can talk to each other face to face along with having voice calls. Further, technology has made transportation of goods easier by providing cheap automobiles, airplanes, electric trains and speed boats.

Besides its positive effects, tech has certain negative effects too. People are more and more getting engaged and dependent on technology. Today’s youth is so much dependent on it that it does not even have spare time for others. As the number of people using technology is increasing, the number of people spending alone time is also increasing.

  • Effect on agriculture

With the ongoing research, new and better crops have been developed that can withstand harsh environmental conditions such as drought, salinity, flood and pH. Technology today is advanced enough to protect the crops from environmental disasters.

With that being said, the widespread use of pesticides and insecticides might protect the crops from getting infested, the overuse of these chemicals is also leading to soil pollution.

  • Effect on business

Technology has blessed businesses and service providers by enabling them to know the customers’ view about the services they are providing, thus improving their communication and interaction with their users. One of the main examples of this is the call centers; various companies are employing them to gather information from their consumers. Further, businesses can now gain a competitive advantage over the other businesses so as to improve the products and services in order to provide a better customer service. Additionally, technology is also playing a very important role in the recruitment of employees in various fields. People post their resumes on various sites so as to search jobs. Many of them work from home, and this is just possible due to advancement in technology.

  • Effect on education

Technology has given a boom to the education. Students who are not able to go abroad can now study each and every subject through online classes and lectures through internet technology.

However, equal care and concern are demanded from the users’ side as the slightest carelessness can misguide them and pave way for cybercrime.

  • Effect on trade and industry

Technology has made more products available to the consumers through online shopping, thus increasing the trade between the countries. Even, the B2B transactions are carried out via online sources nowadays. Robotics have also proven to be helpful in life risking processes such as mining and space expeditions.

  • Effect on health care

Technology has one of the most potent effects on healthcare. Humans are now safer and can attain the best treatment because of technological advancements. Medical professionals are now paired with the latest technology for better treatment. Stem cell treatment and transplantation technology of various organs are a few such examples where technology has simply left us amazed. Further, the introduction of electronic cigarettes which give the vaper an option to choose nicotine level as per his/her preferences has made the whole task of quitting smoking seemingly easier. Vapers can now adjust the nicotine level in e-liquids as per their requirements and cut it down slowly and gradually to finally quit smoking.

  • Effect on employment

This goes without saying; technology has created more jobs and has employed a large number of people.  The standard of living of people is raised. People readily agree to work with new and advanced technologies. People also get to enjoy a better pay scale as they learn new and better techniques.

  • Effect on data management

Technology has totally changed the way work is carried out in today’s society. Computers have replaced much of the work that was initially done manually by individuals, in offices, cafes, restaurants, malls and even homes. Data storage and its management were never so easy without the introduction of computers.

  • Effect on household

Various gadgets in the houses have made the time consuming tedious work of women very easy with the introduction of appliances such as a juicer, mixer and grinders, refrigerators, electronic sewing machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and the likes.

Over to You

Technology, undoubtedly, has made this world a better place to live in! However, as it goes, there are a few associated cons with every pro that technology has to offer. Care should be taken that we are only reaping the essential benefits from technology, and are staying away from any danger that could prove to be a threat to the life on our planet.

What are your views on this? Do let us know in the comments.

Joy Mali

Joy Mali is a very creative writer and active contributor who love to share informative news or updates on various topics and brings great information to her readers.

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