How Can Your Company Adjust to Recent Changes in SEO Algorithms?

Today, companies don’t only have to worry about the economy and consumer trends. They also have to worry about how search engine algorithms affect their business. Most people now research products and services online before making a purchase. If you don’t have good SEO, you will lose a good chunk of your business. However, it’s even more complicated than that. How SEO works is constantly changing due to algorithm updates. Here are some tips on how to adjust to recent changes.

Always Expect Changes

The first good strategy for dealing with algorithm changes is to always expect them. While there may be an argument to be made that such significant changes aren’t needed, Google will implement routine changes regardless of whether anyone really wants them or not. Keep a tab on Google’s official statements about upcoming updates and expect to be forced to tweak your SEO as a result.

Listen to What Google Says Regarding Updates

Google is never going to explain exactly how its algorithm ranks websites on a technical level. Much like the 11 Herbs and Spices of KFC, that intellectual property will always be protected. Instead, you have to take cues from Google’s statements regarding what they indicate an update will entail. For example, Google has indicated that its May 2020 core algorithm update will continue Google’s efforts towards its goal of prioritizing high-quality original content. As such, you should certainly integrate that advice into what you’re doing in regard to SEO and content marketing.

Track Changes to Your Rankings and Traffic Post-Update

An algorithm update can have four possible outcomes for a given website. Your website could benefit from the update and gain a better ranking. Alternatively, your ranking could decline. Third, there could be no effect whatsoever to your ranking. Fourth, you could be de-indexed all together. Unless the algorithm has been changed to harshly penalize something you are doing with your website, the first three outcomes are more likely. Track any changes post-update and try to make adjustments to your SEO as needed. Even if the algorithm is working in your favor, SEO requires constant vigilance and care. Be sure to keep making great, keyword focused content, and to track where and how your site is getting linked on the web.

Track Changes to Other Websites

Your other choice for gaining intelligence on what an algorithm update has actually done in practice is to track how it has affected the traffic and ranking of other websites. Of most interest to you is probably your direct competitors. Many blogs on the net also track the “winners and losers” of algorithm updates and how they have affected the web ecosystem on a more macro scale. Try to determine exactly what kind of SEO practices seemed to benefit most from an update as well as which ones have fallen out of favor with Google.

Overall, much like the progress of time, SEO will probably never stand still. Google will keep tinkering with its algorithms like it has done consistently for over 20 years. The only constant is that there will be change in Google’s algorithms and how websites are ranked in Google search results. Do your best to prepare for changes and adapt quickly when needed. A steady hand and a careful eye can ensure your business is at the top of google rankings.

Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys writing, watching sports, the outdoors, and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball.

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