How Can Your Firm Benefit From Legal Transcription Services?

How Can Your Firm Benefit From Legal Transcription Services?

There are ways you can create a thorough record without a legal transcription service. You can record audio and video. However, if things aren’t properly set up, understanding what was said or done might be difficult.
You might not get everything you need. Maybe the video goes out at one point. Perhaps someone speaks so softly that they can’t be understood. Needless to say, important information can be lost. That’s why your firm can benefit from a law firm transcription. Here are a few reasons why.

It’s More Than Court Reporting

Legal transcription services like Transcription Outsourcing do more than report on trials or settlements. Across the nearly 48,000 law firms in the U.S., they handle items that are pertinent to different situations. Among them are:

  • Depositions & Interrogations
  • Wire Tapping
  • Jury Instructions
  • Legal Briefs
  • Conference Calls

If an event has a legal ramification, then clear recoding is needed. It assures everything said is stated without error.

They Help Prepare For Court

Legal transcription services can provide multiple copies of interviews or discussions to everyone at the firm. As a result, the notes can be used to prepare for various court actions.
For instance, an attorney can use a transcript to determine what questions they’ll ask at a trial. Another lawyer can utilize the information and produce the right appeal to overturn a decision.

They Establish Legal Precedents

Another way transcripts are used is to record legal history. In turn, law students can review records of important historical cases. Our attorneys can review past rulings and bring up certain legal precedents to help their case.
A transcript is a great way to research the progress of a ruling from the lowest courtroom to the Supreme Court. For instance, you get a better sense of how a case like Brown vs. Board of Education ended up in the top court of the U.S.


Though an audio or video recording is useful, attorneys can’t pull out certain points. Unless that is, they want to spend hours editing these forms of media. This is unproductive when they have an upcoming case.
When they are provided with a legal transcription, lawyers have the ability to highlight important parts of an interrogation or a ruling. From there, they can formulate a plan of attack or defense.


Sometimes, recordings aren’t useful when preparing a legal case. Background noises, cross-talk, and other factors can cloud the video or audio. In the end, attorneys may have to call everyone back in to get the facts straight.
This doesn’t happen with a legal transcription service. They provide accurate details of everything that occurs. The higher the accuracy of the results, the more confident attorneys are with their cases.


Even when it’s digitized, audio and video recordings are hard to organize. Not due to their formats. Rather, it’s the amount of space they take up on servers. Several hours of video can translate to dozens of gigabytes of material.
Transcripts are much smaller. Plus, they can be organized in different ways. In addition to paper copies, they can also be stored as digital files for repeated retrieval.
You want your firm to do the best job possible for those who need help. That’s why it can benefit from a legal transcription service. Not only will you receive clear reports of past meetings and court cases but you’ll be also able to retrieve this information for your clients and their families. In the end, it’s the best way to get the best legal results.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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