How Dental Hygiene Effects Your Overall Health

From a very young age, we’re constantly told to brush our teeth twice a day, but other than keeping your teeth looking white, why do we need to carry out this ritual? It turns out that brushing your teeth doesn’t just keep your breath fresh and your teeth looking good. Your oral health can have a big impact on the rest of your body, too, so here are some surprising benefits to regular brushing.

Keeping your heart healthy

While there may seem to be very little to link the health of our teeth and our heart, studies have shown that neglecting to brush your teeth increases your risk of a heart attack. This is because forgetting to brush can lead to periodontal disease, which can start off as a simple gum infection or tooth damage. This can affect your blood pressure, and the continual inflammation can lead to cardiovascular disease, so brush twice a day to stay heart healthy.

Improving respiratory health

Periodontal disease can also affect your lungs and, over time, can increase your risk of illnesses such as pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you already suffer from COPD, then the good news is that studies have shown improving your dental hygiene could help the condition.

Helping to avoid over-eating

When you’ve brushed and flossed, you’ll enjoy a lovely minty fresh feeling in your mouth, and studies have shown that this makes it less likely you’ll reach for junk food. If you snack a lot in the evening and find it hard to resist late night chocolate and chips, then brush your teeth after dinner to signal to your brain that your eating time is over. You could always stock up on supplies from Kent Express dental to remind you of the importance of regular brushing.

Improve your love life

If you don’t brush regularly, then it’s more than bad breath that can ruin your love life. Periodontal disease has also been linked with erectile dysfunction (ED), which could be because oral bacteria from the gums enters the blood stream, meaning that blood vessels narrow, which can make it harder to get or maintain an erection.

Prevent Alzheimer’s

A clear connection has been made between gum disease and Alzheimer’s by researchers at the University of Bergen. While the bacteria from gum disease doesn’t directly cause Alzheimer’s, it substantially raises your risk, especially if the disease runs in your family. This is because bacteria from periodontal disease can reach your brain, destroying nerve cells. The good news is that new drugs are being developed to slow this progress, but in the meantime, brushing and flossing twice a day can help.

Protect your baby during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are at a higher risk of gingivitis, which can lead to periodontal disease. In most cases, this is simply uncomfortable and irritating, but in cases of chronic gum disease, it has been linked to premature births and low birth weight. Pregnant women should pay special attention to oral hygiene, ensuring that they keep their regular dental appointments and see your family dentist if they have any discomfort.

Rudyard Kipling

I am a tech reviewer, blogger, and full-time writer as well. I love to write about the latest tech gadgets, social issues, and parenting. I am a foodie, surfer, and book reader.

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