How Digital Market Needs To Reach Customers in Many Ways

During the early days of search engines, when our fascination with keying in terms was at its highest, algorithms didn’t exist. It was incredibly simple for a business, or any other site for that matter, to be found on the Internet. No one needed to understand ranking factors, have the technical know-how or develop an awareness of relevancy so they could be discovered during online searches.


Today, with the creation of Google’s algorithms and adjustments including Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird, being found on the Internet takes considerably more effort and skill. Gone are the days of simplicity and it’s for this reason that it’s essential to understand how digital market needs to reach consumers in many ways.


How Can Businesses Market Online?

Creating a digital marketing campaign doesn’t mean waiting for an extended period to improve rankings on Google’s SERPs. Instead, an entrepreneur can spread the word about their business utilizing many other tactics that will save them time and money. Some have an immediate return on investment and only take weeks, while others could take several months or years to produce results.


1: Develop a Blog

When you develop a blog, it must contain high-quality content, and it must have consistent updates. While this is a long-term strategy, it’s a critical marketing strategy every entrepreneur should embrace. In addition to driving traffic to your website, you’re also building authority in your niche or industry. When this occurs, you’re getting the attention of your target audience, business owners, media, and so on. These efforts will continue to add value to your site, more authority to your brand, and lead to sales and consistent visibility.


2: Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

You can develop an early content marketing strategy using sites like Quora and Medium. If your site is new, under two years old, and you’re looking for early traffic, marketing on these sites will help. Begin by writing a high-quality piece of content on your blog. Make sure it adds value, it’s insightful, unique, and that its keyword-centric. Your blog post must help your readers in some way.


After you’ve written that blog post, write a separate article for either Quora or Medium using the same tactics. Using a relevant or primary keyword, create a link from that article back to your blog. Upon completion of this, you’ve begun the first steps of content marketing and will see traction on Google’s SERPs. You’ll also start gaining authority through these two sites, too.


3: LinkedIn Groups are an Excellent Tool

If you want to spread a message quickly about your business, using LinkedIn groups is an excellent way to accomplish that goal. If you don’t violate the group’s terms and conditions or come across as spam, you can promote your content using LinkedIn groups. Rather than dropping your links randomly into the group, it’s best to try adding value to discussions and conversations. For example, omnichannel retail mediums l wouldn’t come to a LinkedIn group to talk about sporting goods or athletics and then drop a link for one of their blog posts because that would be considered spam.


You can also use LinkedIn groups to contact other entrepreneurs and business people with whom you may not have mutual connections. It’s possible to message anyone else in the group without having any connection, which could become beneficial later depending on your situation. It’s critical for entrepreneurs to share in the group often, but not to create a negative spotlight on themselves by oversharing.


4: Create Leverage Using Instagram

It’s possible to reach a broad audience quickly thanks to social media. However, we also know that algorithms are challenging us regarding staying visible. We can help ourselves battle this issue and reach our audiences by becoming amplified by influencers who can help create awareness and reach. It isn’t free to use influencers to help achieve your goals, but it does provide you with a powerful way of instantly accessing your audience in your specific industry or niche. However, the trick is choosing the right Instagram influencer to help you achieve these goals and ensure your messages are spread.


Final Thoughts

It’s vital that digital marketing campaigns need to encompass a wide variety of strategies to reach their target audiences effectively. Otherwise, entrepreneurs are going to get lost in the shuffle. By using tactics effectively and consistently, it’s possible to stay ahead of the curve and attain constant visibility.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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