How do Building OR Property Inspections Work?

Sometimes, there is more to something than meets the eye. Buildings are no exception. Some buildings look perfectly fine, only to have serious defects that require expensive damages. Unless you have an x-ray machine for eyes, even if you do, it can be hard to note these issues without a building inspection in Lehigh County. But how do these inspections work? 

What are building inspections?

A building inspection is a process of checking a property for any unseen damages. During an inspection, a designated and qualified inspector walks around the building and assesses its condition and the repairs it may need. This process usually takes place before the purchase of the property is finalized and is usually commissioned by the buyer to assess the risk of investing in the building. 

What does an inspector check?

A building inspection is not a simple walk-through check of the property. An inspector usually takes hours to conduct a thorough inspection that includes several internal and external factors of the building and its surroundings. During this process, an inspector conducts multiple inspections on various facets of the building. These inspections check the following,

  • Mechanical services
  • Asbestos
  • Mold growth
  • Geotechnical
  • Drainage
  • Appliance
  • HVAC
  • Hazard systems
  • Communication systems
  • Pest infestation
  • Exposed surfaces
  • Hydraulic systems
  • Swimming pool
  • Building and council plan

Some of the internal and external factors checked during the inspection include, 

(i) Internal factors: 

  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Walls
  • Toilets
  • Laundry
  • Ceilings
  • Floors
  • Woodwork
  • Kitchen
  • Bathrooms
  • Hot water systems

(ii) External factors: 

  • Roof framing and cladding
  • Gutters
  • Eaves
  • Chimneys
  • Downpipes
  • External walls
  • Spas
  • Awnings
  • Sub-floor areas
  • Fencing
  • Footings
  • Verandas and paving

What does the final report contain?

A building inspection report is much more than a routine structural report. It generally covers the condition of all the areas inspected, including all minor and major defects and repairs required, in the building and spans about 20 pages or more. Aside from the defects and condition of specific components, the report also contains a general note on the plumbing and electrical systems and smoke detectors. Furthermore, you will also find information on the weather conditions on the day of the inspection. 

Why get a building inspection?

A building inspection gives insights into the true condition of a property. This allows buyers to understand what they are buying and the amount of investment the building may require to be functional. It will also give buyers negotiation power, allowing them room to negotiate a lesser sale price

For sellers, inspections are an opportunity to fix some of the damages and increase the value of the property. Furthermore, having an inspection report will portray sellers as transparent individuals, increasing the buyer’s trust in them. Lastly, sellers can quickly close the deal when they have a home inspection report in their hands beforehand, as last-minute disruptions are reduced.


Property purchase is one of the biggest investments to make. Therefore, knowing what you are buying is necessary to ensure profitability and to get rid of the buyer’s guilt. As such, a pre-purchase building inspection is a rather helpful option for buyers and sellers, who can then go on to have a successful sale.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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