How Does a Dermatologist Remove Skin Tags? Let’s Explore

Skin tags are small growths of skin that arise in certain places where the skin forms folds such as neck, the eyelids, underneath the breasts etc. They are common skin problem and do not create any harm. However, aging increases the chances of developing skin tags, and same can occur to a person who is overweight or having diabetes.

Though, skin tag removal is not a tricky procedure. But according to some experts, an affected person should consult the best dermatologist for removing skin tags. skin doctor at London Dermatology clinic has well-known dermatologists that can help you remove skin tags with latest techniques with the help of the most experienced dermatologists. Many people use home remedies to remove skin tags but it takes huge risk to do the treatment at home. Thus, it is better to consult a dermatologist who follows below methods to treat your skin tags. Just have a look before taking a decision.



This is a process in which the unwanted skin tissues are burned by using some specialized tools. Dermatologists use the procedure to burn some outgrowths in the nose to stop bleeding and many other problems. The exact procedure is applied to burn the skin tags. The procedure can be bit painful if the area around the skin tag is not numbed. Dermatologists may use anesthetics or any other method to numb the area to reduce pain. They may also give some painkillers as the pain may increase after the numbness is gone. Thus, it is highly recommended to consult an experienced dermatologist and avoid to do any procedure at home because it can also lead to side effects or infections.


This is the method in which the skin tags are frozen using liquid nitrogen. The dermatologist will apply the liquid nitrogen to the tags until they are snow white. It may take some days for the tags to fall off. Although, there are mixed reactions about cryotherapy. Some people have examined it promising and less painful as compared to cauterization. Whereas some others have an opposite review.

Tying with string

This one is an old method which has been used by people at home. This cuts blood supply to the tags and they will fall off after few days. If you have so many tags then you should consult the dermatologist. Though, it may take ages to tie the strings around a couple of tags. Professionals can do the same job too much effectively and speedily.

Excision or cutting off

This is the most instant method to remove skin tags. The surgeon uses scissors, clippers or blades to cut them off. This involves bleeding and pain. Although, the surgeon may numb the area to reduce pain. They may also apply some chemicals to stop the bleeding afterwards. You may also prescribed some antibiotics which depend upon the wound.

Need to go to a surgeon

Skin tag removal procedure is easy but sometimes, it is difficult. However, some people shave the skin tags even without realizing them. Others will take a blade to clip them off. And the rest others may not even imagine to do it themselves. While there are some natural healing oils available and the manufacturers offer money back guarantees on the product.


If you have small skin tags then you can remove it by using home remedies. Or in case of more skin tags, you should definitely consult an experienced dermatologist. Thus, understand the different techniques that any dermatologist applies on your skin tags and get your self treated. Though, skin tags are not painful but if they irritate you a lot then you should follow any of the above-given procedures. Have a Picture-Perfect Skin!

Zara Spencer

Zara Spencer, a famous blogger and author who have a keen interest to share information about Various niches.

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