How Does HR Certifications Assist in Fetching a Higher Salary?

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Certifications in HR have a plethora of benefits to offer. From a higher salary to a bigger office to better growth opportunities, you name it and HR Certifications can provide it.

There are people working in the HR field for years, however, they are simply not able to reach their dream position and earn a remuneration that they think they deserve to get. Now, some would call that hard luck, but, in the professional world, success doesn’t depend on luck as much as it does on how much talent does a person have, how he or she gets that talent validated and apply it at the right place.

And, the best way to get your talent recognized is by earning a pertinent HR certification. By doing so, one can find the doors to unlimited excellent opportunities in the world of HR and talent management.

The chief benefits provided by Best HR certifications

  1. A giant remuneration

HR professional holding relevant certifications receive higher salaries than their non-certified peers. It has been proven by that professionals who have attained HR certifications, especially from institutes like HR Certificate Institute, Talent Management Institute and Society for Human Resource Management, are earning way more than their counterparts.

Irrespective of the job position you are working at, obtaining an HR certification always works in your favor as employers are ready to pay you a considerably elevated salary package than what they would offer to a non-certified individual. In a study conducted by, it showed that if you are working in the capacity of an HR manager, you can get a yearly paycheck worth 10000$ more than a manager without a certification might get.

Additionally, it is a proven fact that in better parts of the United States, HR certifications are bestowed with a steeper value as compared to how they are perceived in smaller towns. If you are a certified HR professional and working in cities like New York, Chicago, Washington DC, Dallas, Los Angeles or Boston, you can expect your annual remuneration to be 20000$ more than your competitors working in other corners of the country.

The city that comes on the top of the list when it comes to paying lofty compensations to certified HR professionals is Washington DC where employers pay 27,400 $ more on an annual basis than other cities of America, while, Los Angeles comes in the second position which has a salary difference of approximately 26,200 $ annually.

  1. Better chances of getting hired or promoted

Regardless of your current job position, having a certification in the HR sphere can increase your chances of getting promoted within five years of service by approximately 37 percent.

Further, as reported by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, certified professionals in the Human Resource space have high-quality job prospects in contrast to the HR professional who did not go for HR certifications. Moreover, in cases where you are contesting with other candidates for the desired position, holding a certification can be a major tiebreaker.

According to the research carried out by the HR Payroll Systems, most employers mention the requirement for a certification in job postings for mid-level & senior level is jobs. As a matter of fact, some employers reject your resume right away if you do not hold an appropriate certification from a top-level institute.

Best HR certifications are a major evidence for ensuring employers that you are up-to-date about the developments in your field. Once you acquire a certification, you can make improvisations in your profile by going for well-structured professional development courses.


Sandeep is an expert blogger and travel advisor. He writes majorly on trips and journeys made on trains and buses from one place to another.

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