How Hair Loss Could Be Effecting Your Overall Health

For a long time, hair loss condition has been a massive headache for many. Perhaps this may also be the case for you, and you may be craving for a thick lash head of hair again.
You may have heard that there are treatment options for your condition. But you still haven’t decided if you will try any of them. And another thought comes: Can hair loss affect my overall health? This issue makes you more confused.
As such, let’s discuss how hair loss can affect your health and some of the treatment options available to you.

High Prostate Cancer Risk

From a 2015 study published in the Journal of clinical oncology, by the 45 age, the men who had pattern baldness had a 40% increased prostate cancer risk. Afterward, researchers did a follow up on 39000 men who were not diagnosed with cancer.

More Evidence

After a three-year follow-up, the researchers found out that more than 1200 men had developed prostate cancer. More importantly, about half of the 1200 men suffered from frontal hair loss and some from crown balding.
As such, the researchers found out that men at 45 years who suffer from frontal plus moderate vertex baldness are more likely to suffer from aggressive prostate cancer. However, the researchers also realized that the association between baldness and aggressive prostate cancer was modest.

Bottom Line

According to the research, though the association is moderate, the results support that men with pattern baldness are a high prostate cancer risk. However, researchers and doctors suggest that further studies are required.

Psychological Effects

Hair loss can cause adverse psychological effects. And consequently, you may get personal, work-related, and social problems. And how is this possible?

Effect on Your Looks

Hair loss can change your looks. This becomes worse when you lose the hair in your eyelashes or eyebrows. As a result, you may face social discomfort, which may lead to depression and social anxiety.

Bottom Line

Worse, the psychological effect of hair loss becomes complicated and more severe, especially if you suffer from Telogen effluvium, which is a type of hair loss condition caused by stress. So, what does all this mean? If you have severe hair loss problem, you are likely to suffer from psychological distress.

Here are the Treatment Options

With the right treatment, your hair may regrow, or your hair loss may slow. If you have some hair loss conditions such as patchy (alopecia areata) hair loss, without treatment, your hair may regrow within a year. Read on to see the treatment options available to you.


If a disease causes your hair loss, then getting medication for it will help you treat the hair loss condition. However, if another medication causes your hair loss, you should see your doctor who will advise you on what to do. Some treatment options for pattern(hereditary) baldness include minoxidil, finasteride. Other medications, such as spironolactone and oral Dutasteride (Avodart) also work well.

Hair Transplant Surgery

For some permanent common hair loss, the hair loss may only affect your head. As such, a hair transplant or restoration surgery will be your best option. However, there are possible risks that accompany these treatment options.
Bleeding, bruising, swelling, and infection are just some of those possible risks you may encounter. Most importantly, to get the results you desire, you may need to undertake more than one surgery. However, hereditary hair loss will still progress despite the operation.

Using Laser Caps

Dermatologists in the USA, Europe, and Asia have confirmed that laser caps are an effective treatment for hair loss for both women and men. As such, they have been prescribing laser caps for people suffering from androgenetic alopecia. So, laser caps for hair growth are safe, and you can give them a shot.
Now you know how hair loss can affect your overall health and some treatment methods that may work. So, take massive action and choose a treatment that suits you (of course, after seeking your doctor’s guidance). And who knows? You may have your hair again.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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