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How I Made My Dining Room Perfect For Guests And Family

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Recently, I’ve been on the path of redesigning and improving my home. But before that thought occurred to me, I’d already completed an expensive, slightly time-consuming upgrade of my dining room. I wanted it to be the perfect place for entertaining guests as well as having evening meals for the family. Here are the steps I took to make this dream for my home a reality.

Step 1: Draw Up A Plan

I’m not talking about an architectural map of the room or anything. It was just a little doodle to make sure I knew what was going where. But I also include the measured dimensions of different areas in the room. That way I was able to tell if everything would fit. I’m happy to say that in the end it did, but there was a little trial and error involved.

Step 2: Decide A Budget

I didn’t want to spend a massive amount on this room design. I also know how a renovation or redesign can grow out of control in costs, and I certainly did not want that. Instead, I decided to keep the cost under one thousand and I think that was reasonable. I just about managed it although when the final bill comes in it might be a little over. Hopefully not by too much though

Step 3: Clear Out The Space

The next step was to clear out the current furniture from the space. I haven’t thrown anything out; it’s sitting in storage. I might donate it to the local charity shop or find a use for it in another room in the house. I’m a little indecisive about that at the moment. It’s a good set of furniture, but it just doesn’t go with new style I want.


Step 4: Finding The New Furniture

I browsed a few sites for dining room furniture before settling on EW Home Furniture. From here, I bought a dining furniture set. It looks modern and stylish as well as being big enough for both the family and guests. I also purchased two display cabinets for each corner of the room. In them, I’m going to keep my best crystal that is going to catch the light beautifully from the new fixtures

Step 5: Better Lighting

Installing new fixtures in the dining would have been a challenge. Instead, I hired an electrician to do the work for me. Rather than opt for the usual chandelier I decided instead to fix several spot lights at different places on the ceiling. I also installed a dimmer switch to create ambience in the evening.

Step 6: Fixing Up The Floor

There was no need to pull up and replace the floor so instead; I just gave it a good polish. Now it shines and catches the light as good as glass. Although right now, it is a little slippery. But it did give me the idea to put a rug under the table centering the room.

The final effect looks rather brilliant and despite the hard work, I’m pleased with the result.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site