How Lanyards Can Benefit Your Company?

Identity card accessories are what make IDs so useful and effective, and lanyards are the ideal option if you’re looking for a low-cost solution to ID card presentation, access, and scanning. Aside from their functional practicalities, you’re also going to come across an awful lot of different benefits that you might not have expected when you first invested in this handy accessory. If you’re on the fence about securing your business through the implementation of lanyards and identity cards, read on…


Making IDs readily available is a key benefit of using lanyards as your chosen card accessory, however, that’s not the only way in which they increase company security. A lanyard puts your well-designed identities on clear display, meaning that someone who enters into your company without the clearance or need to do so will be immediately identifiable by everyone in your business. This makes the role of security staff or camera systems all the more convenient and ensures that everyone feels safe and secure at all hours of the day. In the event of a disaster or run of the mill fire alarm test, you’ll be able to account for all company personnel in a matter of seconds. The value of security really cannot be stressed enough.


The organization is essential for a smooth-running, productive workplace, and lanyards can help to get you there! This really comes in two forms, visual and practical. The practical organization is found in the ease of which identity cards can be found and used for everyone on your team. Spending precious time fishing out an ID every time someone needs to head to another floor of your building or pop out for a phone call really adds up and can disturb a professional working environment. Secondly, the visual. This is going to be especially effective if you choose to get lanyards that have visual cues or names printed on them, this can include labels such as “security”, “staff” and “visitor” all of which will make identifying who’s who so much easier. A little visual organization goes an incredibly long way so if you’re in need of clarity then opt for labeled lanyards.


Efficiency has already been touched on a couple of times, and this is simply because it is one of the humble lanyard’s superpowers! They really make identity use and presentation an idyllic breeze for absolutely everyone. You get all the ease of being able to either scan or simply display your ID whilst also giving you the option to remove it throughout the day when it doesn’t need to be on the show or keep it in hand for scanning and reading. Other accessory options don’t necessarily offer up this kind of freedom.


This perk is really only to be enjoyed by those who choose to customize their lanyards. Personalized accessories create an amazing look and a cohesive feel in all professional environments. One of the best benefits of going custom is that you’ll enjoy a little free advertising every time your workforce is out and about on their coffee breaks, lunch hours and daily commutes. This increased branding through exposure puts out a positive feel for your business and might even encourage prospective clients or future talent to give you a Google or reach out to you – you never know!


Customized lanyards are also going to give a feeling of connection and cohesion within your team and the wider company. Feeling part of a whole can sometimes make staff feel a little lost or faceless, and a high-quality lanyard is a great tangible reminder that who they are and what they do at your workplace is noted and valued within your team. Newer employees will also really appreciate the presentation of names whilst they’re still getting to know everyone in the office whilst clients will take note of the professional nature of your company. This benefit becomes increasingly valuable as more and more companies choose a casual, relaxed dress code instead of stuffy business casual.

These are just some of the benefits that all types of lanyards design can bring to your company. Whether you choose to go for plain, labeled or custom lanyards, you’re going to derive so much value out of your minimal investment.

Amelie Lawrence

I am Amelie Lawrence, an experienced professional and informative Guest blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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