How Long Do Finger Tattoos Last

On the Internet, you can often see photos of neat and cute tattoos on your fingers. Many girls want something small for their first tattoo and, as they think, not a noticeable tattoo. In fact, 99% of the photos from the Internet are taken immediately after the tattoo. Clear lines, small elements attract the eye and give a “zest” to the mistress of the tattoo. In today’s article, we will basically discuss on finger tattoo. We will let you know how long do finger tattoos last.

But as a matter of fact, finger tattoos are not long lasting. If you are planning about getting a finger tattoo then you must have a look at this first: How long do finger tattoos last? Because taking the pain while getting the tattoo is nothing that easy. You will go through an enormous pain while you are not sure if the tattoo will remain there or not.

Unfortunately, after a period of healing, after 1-3 months, sad changes occur in these figures. The skin on the fingers is quite thin and the place to apply is very uncomfortable. Fingers are not the most practical area of ​​the human body. The skin here renews itself more intensively than in other places, rubs more and constantly bends.

Due to the “calloused” properties of the skin, the tattoo quickly blurs, fades, clarity and small elements of the pattern disappear, it needs to be regularly updated. The masters of our TST studio do such work diligently and accurately, but nature puts everything in its place – the quality of the tattoo on the fingers does not depend on the paint, typewriter or the skill of the tattoo artist. According to a ten-point quality assessment system – tattoo on fingers 4 out of 10.

Over the course of several months, such a tattoo fades, spreads, washes out and wears off. Updating helps, but only for a very short time – then the same processes take place. In the future it will be worse – there is already more paint in the skin, it floats faster.

Laser removal of such a tattoo, which many hope for, is difficult due to the different depths of the pigment and the very dense skin. In our TST studio it is possible to remove these tattoos, but, unfortunately, you need at least 3 sessions with an interval of 1.5 months between them and only 50-70% of the tattoo will be removed – see the photo, draw conclusions.

To make a finger tattoo last longer you have to take care of it regularly. You have to keep in mind the facts which will increase the pace of fading your precious tattoo. You cannot just rub your hand while washing them. You should avoid direct sun light as much as you can.

As you are curious about how long do finger tattoos last, you have to know that, if you get a tattoo on your fingers, then you have to avoid various sorts of hard labours. Especially those labourious works have to be avoided which involve your fingers and skin directly.

Tattoo is something that we do out of our passion. It is something that we fancy for years and then we do it. It is not every day that you get a new tattoo. So, think the ins and outs before getting one. Specially, as we are talking about finger tattoos. They are very sophisticated and you should when and how they may fade away before getting one of them.

We hope this article will help you understand the situations associated with finger tattoos. If you have any further query, please let us know in the comments sections.

Frank Wynn

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