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How Love Changes Over Time

Love isn’t just a distinct feeling or experience. It exists in many forms. Love in relationships evolves throughout time, which is natural and even beneficial. You may have met on one of the best dating sites 2021, and it was all fiery. But it doesn’t feel the same anymore. We never quite understand why this feeling always lingers slightly despite our best efforts at keeping things romantic.

Well, the truth is that love actually has five stages. Each one of these stages has distinct differences, yet they are interconnected in specific ways. It’s important to recognize them so you can understand what is actually happening with your partner and yourself.

Recognizing The 5 Stages of Relationships

Stage 1: Attraction

The first stage of love is a period of slight love. It is commonly known as the Merge. Every relationship goes through this phase. It happens while you’re first getting to know each other and is a critical dating phase. It’s that period when you can’t help falling in love with the other person.

At this point, we’re intoxicated by the rush of a new relationship. We may be very attracted to our partner and delighted with their company. This is usually when we experience our first honeymoon phase.

You may enjoy different physical activities with each other such as sex and holding hands in public. We also tend to take a genuine interest in what we like more than dislike them. You only see the good because your body’s operating under biological forces.

Stage 2: Satiation

Once you begin spending time with someone regularly, the second stage – satiation – begins. Although it can still feel pleasant, love is starting to lose its luster. Your partner doesn’t seem as perfect as they were before. But what is love if you remain in the same spot?

Many endorphins are released during the romance period, causing you to feel elated. Your body can’t maintain this “high” indefinitely. The euphoria is beginning to wear off. You notice the differences between you and your partner, and the relationship begins to fill with denial and doubt.

Stage 3: Disillusionment

If you go through the first two stages healthily, then stage three usually kicks in: disillusionment. The honeymoon isn’t over, but your gut instinct senses that something’s wrong in paradise and alerts you to be cautious in this relationship. Although it feels like the end of the road, you don’t have to get out of the relationship.

The power struggles in the relationship are bubbling to the surface. Tensions rise, but you are unaware that confrontation may be beneficial, and you begin to worry whether the relationship is doomed. The couple may be taking each other for granted and feel like they are not getting their needs met in the relationship.

If you never even considered the compatibility of your love languages, you are unlikely to get past this stage without excellent communication and trust.

Cultural factors are strong at this stage, as well. If your parents divorced or their relationships consisted of little more than conflict after conflict. You may be frightened by confrontation and opt for the easy way out.

Stage 4: Stability

Stage one’s fantasy is long gone, but you’ve accepted it. Yes, you have disagreements and argue occasionally, but you love your spouse and feel connected to them.

You have figured out how to handle the differences, and you are confident that you will work out any future issues.

Stage 5: True Love

At this stage, you can’t imagine being with anyone else. You have a partner who cares for you and respects you, whom you enjoy spending time with, and who truly wants what is best for you. At this stage, your relationships are at their healthiest and most rewarding.

Couples begin to enjoy each other again. They laugh, relax, and have a good time with each other. They can even relive parts of the honeymoon’s exciting pleasures as each person rediscovers themselves in ways that allow them to fall in love with each other all over again. At this point, pledges of I will always love you are often true.

Take Away

Times have changed, and modern love has more challenges. So if you can master the art of teamwork, your relationship will probably survive.

However, if you are both stubborn and no


t willing to consider the other’s needs, you might find yourself having another failed relationship on your hands. Have you been experiencing love changes in your relationship?

Sherry Kimball

Sherry Kimball is a frequent guest at social events. She is known for providing online consultations for married couples and families. Her interests in free time are yoga