How Manufacturers Can Increase the Life of Their Equipment

In any manufacturing industry that uses heavy equipment, it is important to routinely perform maintenance and check on the machines to keep them running smoothly for as long as possible. Major repairs and replacements and be avoided and save you tons of money if minor issues are found and repaired quickly. Here are four ways that manufacturers can increase the life of their equipment.

Routinely Check for Signs of Wear

It’s very important to routinely check your machinery for signs of wear. By spotting issues early, you can repair them before they become major issues. Age, temperature, and frequency of use can all contribute to wear on machines. However, don’t let these things cause your machine to break down prematurely. It’s important to replace parts when needed. Check on your machines frequently to make sure they keep running as long as possible.

Keep Machines Clean

Working parts on machinery should be kept clean to increase the life of the equipment. While you should periodically be cleaning machine parts, there are built in pieces that can protect your machines. Seals and filters help to keep parts clean from contaminants. Seals should be inspected regularly and changed out if needed. Find a reputable manufacturer of industrial seals if your seals need to be replaced. Filters should be changed out regularly as well. If a spill of any sort occurs, clean it quickly to avoid problems.

Have a Maintenance and Repair Schedule

Have a solid schedule for equipment maintenance and repairs, and make sure you stay on top of it. Keep records of maintenance so you’ll be sure not to get off schedule. Fluids, tires, tracks, and electrical systems should all be checked and maintained on a schedule. Lubricants should be added regularly to keep all moving parts working in proper order. Regular preventative maintenance can easily add years to the life span of your machines and can prevent unscheduled downtime.

Be Aware of Machine Limits

While many of your machines look sturdy and resilient, often they are actually quite delicate or are dependent on delicate pieces, so you need to be aware of their limitations. Machines come with user manuals that will outline temperature and pressure ranges that the machines should remain within. These manuals should also describe any other limitations the machines have as well as how best to meet those limits. Keep the user manual readily accessible for any operator who may need it. If you cannot find the manual, call the manufacturer and see if you can get a replacement.

Schedule Proper Operator Training

Poor operator training results in operators who don’t know how to run equipment properly. This can lead to unsafe work conditions and expensive repairs. Each new employee should go through proper training and even seasoned employees should attend regular refresher courses. Make sure your operator manuals are up-to-date and that your entire staff is well-trained.

Keeping your machinery running correctly is key to increasing profits and preventing expensive repairs. It’s important to perform routine maintenance, replace parts as needed, and train your operators well. Every manufacturer wants their machines to run smoothly for as long as possible, so make sure you take steps to ensure that your equipment will have a long life span.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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