How Pilates can help you with your health

Many people don’t realise just how beneficial it can be to take up Pilates. They see it as a fad exercise, but it really is so much more than that. Pilates can be a great way to get gentle exercise which nonetheless strengthens your body and your flexibility. Here are the benefits you are missing out on if you are not yet enjoying Pilates sessions regularly!

Better control

The first thing that you will notice after practising Pilates is that you have better control over your body. The exercises encourage you to be more aware of the muscles in your core, helping you to strengthen them and also to use them to better effect. What this means in real terms is better flexibility, an enhanced balance, and less joint pain. It may also help you to control pain in your lower back, even if you experience it on a chronic level. This is a godsend for older people especially, but starting it young will set you up for a much healthier body for the whole of your life.

Better athletic performance

The movements in Pilates are tailored to your abilities: you always push as hard as you can. Even when you are super fit and toned, you still put the same amount of effort in and get the same results every time you take part in the exercises. What this means is that you will always gradually enhance your athletic performance with every workout you complete. The results and rewards don’t fade over time, and you’ll never have to switch to a new routine if you don’t want to. Even those who work in sports, such as NFL stars, swear by Pilates for improving their athletic performance.

Prevention of injury

Because the movements of Pilates are all about control, you are far less likely to injure yourself during your workout. What’s more, the strengthening of your joints along with the increased flexibility will leave you less likely to injure yourself while doing anything else. This means that you can enjoy an injury-free lifestyle for more of your time, which is particularly great if you are already prone to injury.

Reduction of stress

The exercises in Pilates are linked intrinsically to controlled breathing and to slow counts, meaning that you can take your time and do everything calmly. That deep sense of control, along with a focus on strength rather than frenetic activity, will help you to relax and will leach stress away. You will feel calmer and more able to deal with the daily stresses of life, which is hugely important for both your physical and mental health.

Better vitality

When you take Pilates classes regularly, you will also find that your vitality increases. This is a state of mind rather than something physical. A magical thing happens when you are calmly working out, focusing on your core, with a group of people that you see every week. The social benefits can be huge, and your peace of mind is heightened too. If you take classes, you are more likely to stick with Pilates for longer, and hopefully even for life. That will make a huge change to your body, your mind, and your overall health.

With so many health benefits linked to Pilates, it’s a wonder that every doctor in the world doesn’t prescribe it as a cure for many ailments. No matter what stage of your life you are at, make sure to pick up Pilates if you want a healthier body and mind.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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