How to Be Employed Without Leaving Your Dorm Room

Whether you lack transportation or drive in general, there are plenty of ways to earn an income without leaving your dorm. You may even want to explore more than one option as a way of building your income to a higher level.


Become a Product Distributor

You can become a distributor for all sorts of different products. This would allow you to sell online as well as in person. You can simply send the products out with a trip to the post office once a week or you can even have people pick everything up from you on campus.

For example, as a Lipsense distributor, you would be able to market the various lipstick and lip gloss products.

Other companies to explore include:

  • Scentsy,
  • Pampered Chef,
  • Mary Kay, and
  • Usborne Books.

Be a Virtual Customer Service Agent

If you have a knack for customer service, you may be able to become a customer service representative by taking phone calls from your dorm room. Some companies even provide online chat. You would simply download the software that they have and go through the training. From there, you determine the hours you are available and the company will provide you with the schedule that works for you.


Write/Edit as a Freelancer

Consider becoming an editor or a writer in a freelance capacity. There are countless blogs that you can write for. Some will pay you by word while others will pay you for the completed article. is a great source and you can bid for the various jobs.

Editing can be done for authors (indie and traditional) as well as for online publications.

You will typically be able to create your own schedule. As long as you have strong writing skills, you can make some money.


Create a Product & Sell it Online

If you love creating new graphics, you can turn it into money from your dorm. Consider creating fun graphics and uploading them to café Your graphics can be printed on T-shirts, hoodies, onesies, baseball hats, messenger bags, and more. Everything is printed to order so you don’t have to worry about keeping an inventory inside of your dorm.

You can then promote all of the fun graphics that you have available on websites and blogs. You may even want to create some flyers to place around campus. As people order the designs, you earn money in your account.


Become an Online Tutor

Students of all ages need to be tutored. Using Skype and other online tools, you can provide tutoring services to them. This can be done with students around the campus or you can sign up for various websites to teach English to people around the world.

Depending on the site, you can make between $10 and $25 per hour. You can also choose the hours that you want to work per week so that it works well with your schedule.

Showcase Your Skills

Everyone has talents in one area or another. You can promote these on sites like Get creative with what you may be able to do for people around the world for five or $10. There are plenty of things that you may be able to do without ever leaving your dorm. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can turn out the work for people.

Consider what other people are offering on Fiverr:

  • Virtual assistant services
  • Flyer design
  • Voice over work
  • Graphic design
  • Social media analysis

Get creative with your talents so that you can start bringing in an income. While other people are trying to manage a crazy schedule, you can earn a respectable income from your dorm room.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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