How to Better Regulate Your Hormones as You Age

For many people, the idea of getting older tends to be a scary thought. However, it’s a reality every single day for every living person. Each day, your body is getting older, whether you like it or not. While it might feel sobering, it can also become an empowering experience once you embrace the situation. The key is to learn how to handle your body as it ages and to recognize how to take care of it in a new way. This includes taking care of your hormones. Consider the following ways you can do a better job at regulating your hormones through the aging process.

Incorporate Daily Exercise

Insulin is one of the most well-known hormones because of the role it plays in diabetes. The body needs insulin to function in a most basic way. However, there are times when people have an excess amount of insulin. As a result, they experience dangerous health concerns. If you maintain a regular routine that incorporates rigourous exercise, this can play a role in maintaining a healthy amount of insulin. Do your best to focus on cardiovascular workouts and strength-training exercises on a regular basis.

Use Treatments and Supplements

There are plenty of medical treatments in the marketplace. The key is to consult your doctor before taking anything. When the doctor orders blood work and sees a drop in your testosterone levels, they might recommend a topical treatment such as a low T gel. For some women, an increase in B12 vitamins and supplements might help with a lower amount of energy. Once you are taking supplements to monitor your hormones, you will be surprised at how much better you feel overall.

Learn How to Manage Stress

Stress has the power to lower the immune system and cause a host of other problems. In fact, studies point to most hospital visits involving stress-related isuees. Cortisol and adrenaline are the two main hormones that are impacted by high stress levels. In order to regulate them as you get older, work on finding stress-coping techniques that are effective for you. Some people love massages, exercise and yoga. Other people love meditation and traveling. Find the options that work for you and regularly indulge in them.

Consume More Fiber

Fiber is important because it plays a major role in your digestive system’s ability to be effective. This impacts the hormones that will make you feel satiated at the end of a meal. If you do your best to consume foods that are rich in fiber, you’ll maintain a healthier diet and feel fuller with the healthier foods you are eating. In turn, this leads to a better chance of regulated hormones.

As you implement these tips, it will be easier to tweak what works and throw out what doesn’t work in improving your health. Over time, you’ll be able to gauge what your body needs in order to maintain stable hormones. You’ll become more empowered to take care of your body as an efficient, resilient machine that takes you everywhere you need to go.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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