How to Care For Your Pool While Living Near the Shore

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Installing a pool or hot tub is a great way to increase the value of your home, but ongoing maintenance might be tricky if you live near the ocean. Spas, pools, and hot tubs in places like Gig Harbor, WA are constantly bombarded with contaminants from the nearby shore, and those contaminants can be quite damaging if you aren’t careful. Here are a few simple tips that you can use to maintain your pool or hot tub to be clean and debris-free.

Use a Durable Cover

There are a few different reasons why you might want to purchase a pool or spa cover. In addition to keeping contaminants out of the water, those covers can also keep your family safe. As an added bonus, some pool covers will even reduce your monthly energy bills. Keeping the water covered will prevent your water from evaporating away. This is especially important in windy areas like near coastlines. If you have a hot tub or home spa, keeping the water covered will also prevent heat loss from the chilling spray that can come on sea air.

High-Quality Filters

A high-quality water filter can be a major investment, but these devices are absolutely vital to your family’s health and the longevity of your pool or spa. Basic sand filters will trap leaves, twigs, and other large pieces of debris. For smaller debris, you might want to consider a micron filter. Those devices can remove microscopic germs as well as larger debris. Salt and sand is often carried on coastal winds, so it’s important that your filter is prepared to handle that.

Test the Water

All pools and hot tubs in Gig Harbor, WA  and other shoreline areas should be tested for contaminants once every few weeks. The easiest way to test your water is to invest in a few liquid test kits, but you can also use test strips. Those products will tell you the pH balance of your water as well as the alkaline levels. These can be heavily influenced by the minerals previously mentioned that are carried on the higher coastal winds, making it especially important for those populations to keep track of their pool’s acidity. Some of them can also be used to test for common waterborne diseases, as well. This will be essential for anyone who has children or someone with an otherwise compromised immune system using the pool.

Saltwater Pools

Even though chlorine will destroy most harmful germs, it isn’t the healthiest chemical for you to be frequently swimming in. Prolonged exposure to chlorine may result in a wide variety of adverse reactions including dry skin, respiratory problems, hives, and discomfort around the eyes. That is why many people are now choosing saltwater pools over chlorinated pools. Salt water pools are easy to maintain, affordable, hygienic, and good for your skin. The fact that your pool will already have salt in it will make salt and other minerals blown in from the coast much less of a concern for you, as well.

Even if you have the coast nearby to swim in whenever you want, having your own pool, spa, or hot tub is a much more sanitary and safe option for frequent use. With proper care, you can ensure that your pool isn’t plagued by the same germs, contaminants, and debris that inhibits carefree use of the water on the shore. Be aware of how the conditions in your area may affect your pool maintenance and plan accordingly so that you can gain the full health and personal benefits of having your own swimming space right on your own property.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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