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How To Check If You Are Suffering From Glutathione Deficiency

Including various sulphur and antioxidant-rich foods in your diet ensures that we have sufficient antioxidants that help in fighting free radicals and oxidative stress. However, our body also produces an antioxidant naturally, known as glutathione which is called the master of all antioxidants.

This element works as a tool that helps in body detoxification which means the right level of glutathione can help in eliminating toxins, chemicals, and free radicals from the body. These toxins cause the antioxidants from our body to deplete as well.

Let us understand what glutathione is and diverse symptoms you can expect in case of its deficiency.

What is glutathione?

Glutathione consists of three kinds of amino acids such as L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and glycine which is part of a cell found in our body. When we are exposed to pollution, sun, UV rays, and various toxins that are sprayed in our food and water, this antioxidant diminishes.

Glutathione is essential for the detoxification of the body and removes heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium, and calcium from the body. It also eliminates toxins that are found in plastics and cosmetic products.

Due to high sulphur, glutathione sticks to all the toxins and removes them. The natural production of this antioxidant also diminishes due to poor immunity, age progression, trauma, stress, and radiation

What will happen if glutathione depletes from the body

Glutathione naturally diminishes as our age progresses, however here are some early signs which can signify deficiency of this antioxidant from the body.

  • Loss of energy
  • Joint pain
  • Muscles pain
  • Foggy brain
  • Poor immune system
  • Poor sleep
  • Your iron level dips resulting in anemia
  • Build-up of acid in the body that is metabolic acidosis
  • You might start getting infected with different infections more frequently
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Seizures
  • Ataxia is a loss of coordination
  • Liver diseases
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

These are some of the symptoms which occur in case your body starts suffering from glutathione deficiency. These symptoms can be detected at a mild stage. Here are some ways by which you can increase glutathione levels in your body.

Ways to increase glutathione level in our body

-Consume food rich in Sulphur

Sulphur is essential for glutathione synthesis which can be consumed through different food products rich in protein such as fish, poultry, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, berries, and nuts. These food sources are rich in amino acids and cysteine that helps in boosting the level of glutathione.

-Take proper sleep

Sleeping is an essential part of cognitive functioning and is helpful in body detoxification. When our body lacks proper hours of sleep we might face the risk of hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes, depression, obesity, and heart diseases.

-Add selenium-rich food to your diet

Selenium-rich food such as brazil nuts, fish, sunflower seeds, bananas, turkey, and eggs helps in boosting the level of glutathione.

-Add glutathione supplement

Glutathione supplements such as Glutone help in boosting the level of this antioxidant in our body. It is easy to digest and is crucial for combating various challenges that our body goes through. Various supplements are used in the treatment of viral infection treatment, signs of ageing and symptoms, dark spots, pigmentation, and immunity booster.

To sum up

You can increase the efficiency of glutathione in your body by adding supplements along with diet and proper sleep to your regime. Glutathione is essential for reducing early signs of ageing, hyper pigmentation, dark spots, and other skin issues. They are also used for boosting body immunity and the treatment of various ailments.

Riya Kaul

I am Riya Kaul, working as a Marketing Executive in Glutone and willing to write and explore topics regarding health and beauty, lifestyle, business topics

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