How to choose and what to take into account for the proper use of a pressure washer?


In previous posts we explained what a pressure washer is, how it works and in a future article we will detail how to maximize its use. In this article we will answer questions such as Which pressure washer should I buy? How do I know that I am selecting the correct pressure washer? What criteria should I consider when selecting a pressure washer?

We will present a guide to the different types of pressure washers their characteristics and how to choose the most suitable one according to our needs.

Things to consider when selecting a pressure washer

Several selection criteria that must be present at the time of acquiring a pressure washer, as depending on the work to be performed or the usage time that is to be deployed, among other factors, must be selected hidrolavadora or other.

Electric pressure washer or Combustion pressure washer

Electrical equipment is the most common or popular, since it is used mainly for domestic tasks due to its low power and low cost. There are also best pressure washer under 300 that are in budget as well.
This type of pressure washer is ideal for use in places where there is an electrical connection, in small or closed places, or with a large influx, such as residential areas. This type of equipment does not emit noise or emissions of any kind.

There are several models, which have different lengths of the electrical cable, which is a detail that must also be considered. Likewise, the electrical power required by the equipment must also be taken into account, since there are models that work with one or three phases, and different voltages such as 220, 380 and 400 volts.

As for combustion pressure washers , they work independently of electricity, so they have greater freedom of movement. They also have higher power so they are recommended for high demand jobs. However, this type of pressure washer must be used outdoors, due to the carbon monoxide emissions it generates.

On the other hand, combustion equipment is physically larger than electrical equipment, so they require a little more effort when being moved from one place to another.

Hot water or cold water pressure washer

This factor depends directly on the use that will be given to the machine. The hidrolimpiadoras hot water are the most recommended to remove or clean oil or grease, because the high temperature water is more effective to decompose. Additionally, hot water reduces working time and increases the effectiveness of chemical cleaners and detergents. It is also ideal for disinfecting areas with the presence of bacteria.

The hidrolavadoras hot water have a boiler which is responsible for raising the temperature of the water, after passing through the pump. The hidrolimpiadoras cold water taken directly from the liquid supply water.

Pressure from a pressure washer

Pressure is expressed in pound-force per square inch PSI (Pounds-force per Square Inch), also indicated in “bar”.

According to the work to be carried out with the pressure washer, you must select the machine with the minimum pressure required. Here is a reference guide for the pressure required depending on the surface or object to be cleaned.

Necessary pressure according to the application to be executed

  • 1500 PSI Vehicles
  • Industry 1800 PSI
  • Trucks, Trailers, Tractors, Chassis 1800 PSI
  • Platforms, walls, fences 2000 PSI
  • Stables 3000 PSI
  • Large surfaces, 3000 PSI patios

Should you need to decrease the pressure capacity of a pressure washer, you can do so by using the variable pressure trigger or by reducing the pressure on the equipment valve.

Flow rate of a pressure washer

Flow is indicated in liters per minute (lpm) or gallons per minute (gpm). As far as pressure washers are concerned, the higher the flow rate, the higher the cleaning speed. Once the proper pressure for cleaning has been determined, the only way to speed up the process is by increasing the speed of the water.

The flow rate of a pressure washer cannot be increased beyond its capacity.

Power of a pressure washer

Power is expressed in horsepower (Hp). The power of a pressure washer is distributed to generate the pressure (PSI) required to expel the water, and to produce the gallons of water (gpm) that the pressure washer expels.

For example, a 2 Hp pressure washer can generate:
2.1 gpm at 1600 PSI or
3.0 gpm at 1100 PSI

The cleaning power depends on the volume and pressure of the water.

On the other hand, the power of a pressure washer also determines the working time that the machine can perform per day. Here is a reference guide for the performance time of a pressure washer, according to its power.

Cold Water Pressure Washers

  • Machine 2 Hp 1.5 hrs.
  • Machine 3 Hp 2-3 hrs.
  • Machine 5 Hp 4 hrs.
  • Machine 7.5 Hp 5 hrs.
  • Machine 9 Hp 10 hrs.

Hot Water Pressure Washers

  • Machine 7.5 Hp 4 hrs.
  • Machine 9 Hp 5 hrs.
  • Machine 10 Hp 8 hrs.

Accessories of a pressure washer

Generally, pressure washers are accompanied by complementary elements, which facilitate the cleaning work depending on the surface or object to be cleaned.

The nozzles : they are the main accessory that pressure washers have . The nozzles according to their design, determine the type of water jet that will be used during the cleaning process. For example, a jet in a straight line exerts a greater impact on the surface to be cleaned, quickly removing dirt. This type of spray should only be applied to resistant surfaces.

On the other hand, the fan jet can be used in different amplitudes, depending on the size of the nozzle. This type of jet covers a larger surface area and is recommended for applying cleaners or detergents with low pressure.

Another type of jet is that of milling effect, which is achieved with a rotating nozzle. This jet of water is the jet in a straight line, but rotating in a circle as the pressurized water circulates. The result is excellent surface coverage with a high water impact.

Bristle brush : ideal for applying on surfaces with heavily impregnated dirt and large surfaces. It is generally used with a cleaner or detergent.

Foamer : this accessory allows you to generate foam by combining water and some detergent. It is widely used for cleaning vehicles.

Extension : this accessory is used for cleaning in high places.

Portability of a pressure washer

An additional feature, but valuable in some cases, is the ease of transportation that a pressure washer can offer .
There are models that have wheels to allow easy movement of the equipment, which would represent a valuable advantage in the event that the work to be carried out requires constant movement of the equipment.




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John Smith

John is one of the best bloggers and he is here to help the community. He has done bachelor from UK and he is a well known personality in the blogging community

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