How to Choose Between Blinds and Shutters for Your Bathroom

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If you have just bought yourself a new home or are thinking of doing a bit of renovation in your current home, you might have just thought about adding a bit of style to your bathroom with a window treatment. Two of the most popular window dressings being used at the moment are blinds and shutters with both offering their own set of advantages.

So which do you go for? Which is going to be the better option for your bathroom? That will depend on a variety of factors and if you read through the rest of this article you will be armed with the information needed to make an educated decision.

What are the Main Differences Between Blinds and Shutters?

While both blinds and shutters can increase the aesthetic appeal of a window in your bathroom, they are actually quite different in design. Shutters are built to specifically fit the frame of your window and are fit in place while blinds normally hang above the window.

How they are installed and fitted is the main difference between the two but they do also have other differences. Blinds will be able to be pulled up while shutters can either have their slacks opened or each side of the shutters can be opened in a  similar way to a window.

They are both available in a variety of materials such as vinyl, PVC, timber and aluminium and they will both be available in a variety of styles and designs.

Choosing Between Blinds and Shutters

So now that you know about the main differences between shutters and binds, you will want to understand what else you will have to consider when making a decision between the two for your bathroom.

Your Own Preferences                                                                                    

You will all have your own opinions on what will look better as your window dressing in the bathroom so this should definitely be a part of your consideration process. This is not to say that the one you choose here will be the one that you get as you might discover reasons to go for the other instead.


There is something that has to be said for shutters as they really add a traditional, classic style to any room that they are installed in. Made to fit, they are a more permanent option for windows and do take a bit more work to be installed. The end result, however, is one that looks great and in our opinion, one that is more beautiful than what blinds can provide.

Blinds can still look good too but they just cannot compete in aesthetic states when compared to shutters. Still, better to have blinds than something like boring curtains.


Anyone who is anyone will want to make sure that whatever they buy will give them a satisfactory amount of time in terms of longevity. As long as you choose from a bathroom shutters range or blinds range that is of high-quality, both should be able to last a good number of years in your bathroom if looked after properly. We would have to say that shutters just about edge it in the longevity stakes, however, as they are generally made from sturdier materials.


Blinds are cheaper than bathroom shutters basically because the latter is made of superior materials and are made to fit perfectly to the size of your windows. This does not mean they are overly expensive though, as the aesthetic beauty and functionality that they bring are definitely worth the extra cost.

The Verdict

As you can see above, shutters do seem to come out on top in most aspects but they are more expensive. However, when you consider they are more durable, are the only type of window treatment that can actually add value to your home, and extremely popular across the globe right now, you can see why they would be a good investment.

If you cannot justify purchasing shutters but still want to add a bit of style to your bathroom, blinds are definitely the next best thing. At least they are easier to install, cheaper and are more stylish than most other types of window dressing.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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