How to Choose Your Next Gaming Desktop

Image Source: Envato Elements

In the old days, video games were only popular with a certain kind of person. However, these days, it has grown into a massive and very popular industry. If you are one of the many millions of people who enjoy PC gaming, this article might be helpful. We are going to give you a few quick tips on how to choose your next gaming PC.

Get Plenty Of RAM

Your computer’s RAM (also called memory) is an indicator of how much work your computer can do at one time. For instance, a computer with 8 GB (gigabytes) of RAM will run twice as fast as a computer with 4 GB. While many people can make do with 4 GB of RAM or less, gamers are another story.

For a high-quality gaming PC, you will want to have 8 GB of RAM. 16 GB would be even better, but 8 GB is more than enough for most games. Bear in mind that a faster computer can be a significant advantage in competitive play.

Invest In A Good GPU

If you know anything about computers, you might know what a “graphics card” does. It is simply a component that allows your computer to process graphical information. Without this component (usually called a GPU), you would be limited to text only, so it’s incredibly important for a gamer.

Unfortunately, a high-end GPU is not cheap. It will not be easy for you to afford one of the best, so get the best one you can afford. Not only will a GPU result in smoother and more appealing graphics, but it will also allow you to mine cryptocurrencies if you so desire.

To give you a couple of recommendations, many people like the AMD 500 series, and the Nvidia 10 series are also quite popular. While neither of these would be cheap options, both of them offer extremely sharp graphics and perfect scaling.

Make Sure Your Computer Has At Least Two Fans

Technically, any PC is capable of running a video game. However, if you are going to lay down the money for a dedicated gaming PC, the smart move is to choose something that will truly suit your needs. That brings us to the subject of longevity.

Let’s face it; online gaming is quite addictive. As such, you will probably be spending long hours on your favorite game. Indeed, some people find it hard to stop once they have gotten started. When this happens, you don’t want to be stopped in your tracks by a PC that’s gotten too hot.

Every computer has an internal fan that helps to cool the internals when they get too heated. However, a gaming PC should really have more than one of them. This will greatly increase the length that your gaming sessions can last.

Check The Ports

Since most personal computers are not meant primarily for gaming, they might not always be designed with the ports that you need to hook up all your gaming equipment. For instance, you need to make sure that you get something with an HDMI output. Otherwise, you will not be able to connect the computer to your TV.

Apart from this, you need to make sure that you get a computer with USB-C ports and plenty of them. Gaming companies are always coming out with new accessories and peripherals, so you never know what you might eventually want to connect.

You should also make sure that your new PC has thunderbolt ports. Thunderbolt ports and cables have the advantage of being able to provide both power and connectivity with the same cord. Because of this versatility, you can bet they will continue to become more popular.


If you are looking for a desktop computer price in UAE, you will find that many of these gaming PCs are priced at a reasonable rate. You can save even more money by learning a little bit about computers and doing some of your own work. For instance, you might buy a used PC from a friend and then upgrade it with more RAM, a better GPU, or whatever you want. A little knowledge can save you a lot of money. We hope that this article will also help to save you money and help you to choose the best gaming PC for you.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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