How to Clean an Electric Mattress Pad

Having a bed that has been warmed up before you climb in is like heaven. Everything’s set and you just need to slip in and relax. Well, that is until months later when you realize that your mattress pad isn’t exactly the place you want to be in for a long time. With all the dirt, smell and who knows what kind of creatures that sought shelter under the pad, too!

Cleaning your electric mattress pad has to be done with care. Electrical products are most sensitive when exposed to the wet surface and now you’re about to dump it into an ever-churning wet box e.g. washer. Be sure that you’ve read this guide as well as the manual instructions and warning on your product before washing it!

Heed the Warnings!


No matter the way you’re going to clean your mattress pad, always remember the don’ts. If the product tells you to not do it, don’t do it. While each product may have their own specifications, you can at least rely on these few rules of thumb.

  • Never expose it to a heater or put it in an electric dryer
  • Never shake it violently or use any mode higher than gentle/mild cycle

And now, onto the instructions to clean your pad. Remember, this may not work on a special mattress pad and you should always pay attention to the warning or care manual from your manufacturer.

Things You Need

  • Washing machine with mild/gentle washing mode
  • Mild-strength detergent
  • Dryer or hanger


  1. Detach the mattress pad from any electrical source. Ensure that the mattress has no wires exposed or any part of the mattress torn or open. If you can see the wires, make sure they are not damaged.
  2. Once you’re completely sure that the mattress is in perfect condition, proceed to the next step. If not, stop using that mattress and have it fixed or replaced. Wires that are haphazardly exposed can cause high-voltage shock and fire.
  3. Presoak the mattress pad in lukewarm water for 15 minutes with detergent. This will allow dirt and other dirty substances to dissolve in the water. If you cannot use lukewarm water, cold water is okay, too. Higher temperature makes it easier to clean stains.
  4. Set the dial to mild/gentle cycle. This will allow the mattress pad to be thoroughly cleaned and to get rid of more insistent dirt, oil or other stains. Set the timer for 2 minutes.
  5. Let it rinse with cold water afterward to clean the detergent. Just in case, check out the mattress to see if there are any bubbles left. It may mean the rinsing was not clean enough and detergent isn’t something that can be gone with drying. It can also mean you poured too much detergent, so check the amount you use next time.
  6. How will you dry it? If you’re using a dryer, set it with a 10-minute timer on low to medium heater. You can preheat the interior for a while to let the mattress dry faster. Never set it too high for fear it’ll set the wires on fire. Air it until it’s completely dry. You can also air it without using a dryer.

Note: Airing without using a dryer is possible under the bright and warm weather. However, under the damp weather, it may take too long and won’t even dry after a day outside. It will dampen the inside of the blanket and you’ll end up with some nasty smell. Although it’s completely dry, the smell will remain and you have to wash it again to get rid of it.

  1. Make sure the mattress pad is completely dry before plugging the cord back.

Mold Alert!


In the case that you notice mold is growing under the mattress pad, you need to get rid of it quickly. Or it’ll spread to your mattress and there’ll be more work to do. Mold can occur when the mattress pad isn’t dried or aired properly before being put back into the room. Direct sunlight is the best way to get rid of excess moisture (and mold, too).

The most seen reaction of a mattress pad with mold is to throw it away. Well, in several cases, you might be interested to know that there might still be hope. And it’s certainly worth the effort than buying a new one again.

Things You Need

Everything above plus:

  • Hard scrub brush/nylon brush
  • Pine cleaner
  • Disinfectant spray
  • Face mask

What to Do

  1. Before you start scrubbing, move the mattress pad outside, under the sun. If the weather isn’t bright enough, then just store it until it’s hot enough to do it. You shouldn’t keep using the mattress pad if it’s unnecessary.
  2. Place it under the sun and spot out the mold spores. Wear your mask to prevent mold spores from being inhaled.
  3. Spray the disinfectant on the mold. Start brushing the mold off carefully. Don’t go too hard or too soft on those spores. Do this repeatedly on the spot until it fades.

Note: Disinfectant spray may cause the mattress’s color to fade.

  1. Let it sit under the sun for a good 3 hours. The longer the better, as long as the weather is not 40 degrees high. Heat is the natural mold killer.
  2. Presoak the mattress like how you usually do. Use hot water this time. It has to be hot for it to be more effective. Don’t wash it with anything else. Just the mattress pad, hot water, and detergent.
  3. Add the pine cleaner into the washing machine. Let it roll for a good 2 minutes.
  4. Take it out and look for the stains. Make sure that they are completely gone.
  5. Dry it with a dryer and/ air it under the sun to make sure that it’s really dry. Don’t use it just yet.
  6. If you are still seeing mold stains, try to rub it again with the disinfectant and repeat.
  7. If you the stain doesn’t leave, it may be time to really say goodbye to the mattress pad and start browsing for a new one.
  8. If you see no stain, then congratulations! Your mattress pad can still be used.

Maintenance is Important

What matters next now is to care for and maintain your mattress. In any case, it’s always a good thing to vacuum your bedroom frequently to prevent dust from piling up and mold from thriving in it. Let the fresh air and sunlight in by opening your windows. It will prevent mold from appearing.

You should also not force yourself to use a mattress pad that has outlived its lifespan. It may mean that the wires, cords or other parts of the mattress may not function correctly after that and the risk is all yours to take. No proper maintenance can make you use the same mattress pad for 20 or 30 years. Check out LatexBear for more maintenance and care tips for electric mattress pads.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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