How To Clean Your Bagless Vacuum Cleaner –

Bagless vacuums can be a great choice for pet-owners and Vacuum cleaner review individuals or families without serious allergies. Let’s face it, they’re convenient since you don’t have to worry about changing the vacuum bag and keeping a supply of them on hand.

However, emptying the dustbin when it’s full, or even each time you vacuum, isn’t all there is to keeping it clean for effective and efficient operation.  If you’ve noticed that your bagless vacuum isn’t picking up quite as well as it used to, it’s probably time to give it a good cleaning before beginning your spring cleaning projects.

Follow these simple steps to clean your bagless vacuum in only about 30 minutes. We used the Simplicity Pet Bagless Upright Vacuum for our demonstration and images.


Step 1: Preparation

First, you’ll need to gather up a few supplies and tools to have handy. You’ll need:

  • Your vacuum’s owner’s manual for reference
  • Dust cloth
  • Dish soap in warm water
  • Can of Compressed Air
  • Screwdriver or other tool provided by the manufacturer
  • Scissors
  • New filter for your vacuum
  • About 30 minutes of time

Step 2: Disassemble Your Vacuum

Following the instructions in your manual, remove all washable and replaceable parts of your vacuum cleaner. This can include the dustbin, all filters whether washable or replaceable, attachments, and brushroll (if necessary).Disassembled Vacuum with Dirty Parts

Step 3: Wash parts and Allow to Dry.

Fill your kitchen sink with very warm water and dish soap. Place every washable part into the soapy water and clean well. Rinse thoroughly under very warm or hot running water. Place on a towel or paper towels and allow to completely air dry.Clean vacuum cleaner parts air drying

Step 4: Dust the inside compartments of the vacuum.

While the washable parts are drying, use a micro-fiber or other dust cloth to wipe out the interior compartments, or, if you have a small handheld vacuum cleaner you can use it to vacuum the vacuum! You can also use a can of compressed air to blow out dust and dirt from hard-to-reach areas. Be sure to reference your manual to make sure it’s OK to use compressed air on your model.Cleaning inside of vacuum with cloth or compressed air.

This step may be best done outside, if possible, to avoid dust particles from landing on surfaces in your home.

Step 5: Remove the Brushroll and Clean.

You may, or may not, need to do this step. Check your brushroll to see if it has collected random pet hair, threads, string, or other items that will contribute to ineffective cleaning. If so, remove the floor plate by taking out the screws (or follow your vacuum’s manufacturer directions for accessing the brushroll).

Use scissors to snip through the debris from one end of the brushroll to the other. Then peel off all the hairs and debris around it using your hand and fingers. This can also be done using an extra handheld vacuum if you have one. If desired, you can use a damp cloth to run over the brushroll to remove small particles of dust.

Clean the Brushroll and check drive belt.

With the brushroll removed, this is a good time to take a look at the drive belt to check for wear and tear. If it seems loose, cracked, or beginning to split, it’s time for a new one. Check your owner’s manual for the correct drive belt for your model. Many big-box stores carry replacement belts, and a generic brand that fits your vacuum works fine.

Step 6: Check the Air Inlet for Clogs

Before replacing the brushroll, take a quick look in the passageway, or inlet, for debris that may be stuck inside. Use your hand to pull it out. This is an important step because clogs severely inhibit the suction power of the vacuum and could cause the engine to overheat and break down.Vacuum cleaner Air Inlet Clogs

You’ll also want to check the vacuum hose (if yours has one) for any unwanted debris and clean it out.

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Step 7: Reassemble & Replace Filters

After all the parts are dry and the brushroll and air inlet are cleaned, reassemble your vacuum following instructions in the manual. Replace any filters that may require it, like a HEPA exhaust filter, a pre-motor filter, or dustbin filter. Give the outer housing a good wipe-down and your vacuum cleaner will be ready to take any spring cleaning project!Cleaned and reassembled Vacuum

In Summary

Regular cleaning, every six months to one year, will keep your bagless vacuum running efficiently and cleaning effectively. It can prolong the life of the appliance, especially if you inspect major parts like the brushroll, drive belt, and hose on a regular basis. Visit our Vacuum Knowledge Center for helpful articles, blog posts, and videos.

Happy Spring….cleaning!

How often do you clean your vacuum? Have any favorite cleaning tips or tricks to share? We’d love to hear from you! Leave your feedback in the comments below,

Sienna Hoddle

Sienna Hoddle is a passionate writer covering a wide range of topics including Health and Fitness.

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