How to Connect with Clients Safely During COVID

Establishing and maintaining a connection with your clients is vital, but now that task is a little more challenging. Connecting with clients during COVID19 seems nearly impossible, but the truth is there are things you can do to connect. The following are a few things you can do to keep in touch.

Social Media

One great way to connect with your clients is through social media platforms. Make sure that some or most of your clients have the social medial platform you’re using unless you plan to be on multiple platforms.

You can post short videos and pictures along with updates. You can make statements and respond to your clients. Be sure to advertise your social media accounts so that your clients know you’re on there. Make it point to update your accounts frequently to show that you’re active and ready to be of service.

Through a Broadcast

The internet has opened things up for everyone. Small businesses can broadcast online with a webcast. You can broadcast yourself live or record a video that clients can stream at any time once it’s uploaded. Think of yourself as a small channel where you’ll be able to upload content that your clients can use to connect with you.

Creating a channel on TV would be nearly impossible for a small business, but now it’s not; thanks to the internet, all you have to do is find the right webcast service. The amount of content you can upload is endless, and since you can broadcast live, you can allow viewers to ask any questions they may have. You can be honest with your clients about what’s going on, and people appreciate that kind of honesty.

Instant Messages

You could provide instant messaging service to your clients. This could be done through your site if you want. Sometimes, clients don’t want to watch anything. They would prefer to just talk to someone live. Instant messages make it easy for clients and you to connect live.

It might be a good idea to pair this service with chatbots. A chatbot allows you to connect with clients and resolve simple issues. If the issue is more involved, someone from your company can tag in and start talking to this client. Having this for your business should make it easy to stay connected with your clients.

Good Old Telephone

Connecting with your clients could be as easy as giving some of them a call. Granted, talking on the phone with your clients can be a little time-consuming, but if that’s what you want to do, you can do it. Not many people choose the phone option anyway, so this is still a good idea.

You’re going to have to put more effort into getting your clients to contact you through the phone. Make sure you push your number a little more and emphasize that calls will be handled by a live person. Make sure you set up a phone answering system that doesn’t make your clients wait too long. Folks don’t want to wait on the phone all day just to get a live person.

The Podcast

If you feel like you need to connect with your clients and want to connect with many people at once, you could start a podcast. There are many podcast ideas to consider depending on your business, but you can treat your station like any other radio station.

You can play music on your podcast if that would work for your business. You can talk about your company, discuss topics, and you can have clients call in to talk to you directly. It’s an interesting way to connect with your clients, but it’s a safe way to do so during these strange times. You should consider hiring a professional podcaster to run the podcast if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself. Just make sure this person can represent your business well.

You’ve got several ways to connect with your clients during these times. All you have to do is choose the one that works best for you. Try some of these out until you feel comfortable with one of them.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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